Chapter 4 - Hurricane

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Over the next two weeks Hamilton and Laurens actually began to have conversations. They were becoming pretty good friends. Hamilton still spent most of his time working on things. It would usually take Laurens almost a full hour to convince Hamilton to go to bed but more times than not he was successful. Laurens also found his little crush for Hamilton growing the more they got to know each other. 

Hamilton felt the same way. When he would study with Eliza he often found himself talking about Laurens almost as much as he was talking about the homework. Eliza didn't seem to mind, she was good that way. This afternoon was different from the other study afternoons. Today Hamilton was laying on the floor while the three sisters sat on the couch.

"Okay, let's review," Angelica said and stepped over Alexander. "This man has a crush and he wants our help. Before we can help he needs to tell us who it is." Angelica stared down at him. "Who is it?"

"Why does that matter?"

"C'mon," Peggy slid onto the floor, "it'll help us determine how to help."

"Just...don't worry about it."

Eliza raised an eyebrow. "John Laur-"

"NO!" Hamilton shouted faster and louder than he would have liked, he began to turn a bright shade of pink. This caused the three girls to squeal. Hamilton sat up and tried to hush them.

"Oh my gosh! You would be so cute," Peggy bounced.

"I said no, it is not John Laurens," Hamilton crossed his arms.

"Alexander, you're twice as red," Eliza smirked.

"Oh yeah, well I know who Eliza likes!" It was the only thing Alexander could think of. 

"You wouldn't dare," she glared at him. Angelica and Peggy both seemed interested.

"The student council president." 

"No way," Peggy turned to her sister, "you like George Washington?"

"No,," Eliza began to blush. "Alexander, you are a piece of shit."

They all laughed. Alexander hung around for another thirty minutes before he had to leave. John would be done his last class of the day soon and Alexander had some work to get done before then. Hamilton headed down the stairs and pulled the keys out of his pocket. As he was about to put them in the door a loud crack of thunder shook the building. This caused him to drop the keys, scrambling to pick them up he convinced himself it was just a truck passing the building.

John ran quickly to avoid getting soaked on his way back to his dorm. It had suddenly started to spill buckets. When he was in class there were a few moments when he thought he could hear thunder. He wasn't one to pay much attention to the weather but the storm still surprised him. The sky was dark and it didn't seem like it was going to clear up any time soon. 

John did his best to shake the rain off before he got to his dorm. Just before he reached his room the power turned off. Great. He found that the door was unlocked meaning Alexander was inside. As he stepped inside he didn't see any sign of his roommate. Laurens hung up his jacket and ducked into the bathroom to put on a pair of pajama pants. Both dry and comfortable. Still, there was no sign of his roommate. It was possible that he went over to Hercules and Lafayette's but it was unlikely.

"Hamilton?" Laurens called into the dark room. He got no response. Another clap of thunder sounded in the sky and Laurens heard a shuffle come from under his desk. He ducked down and saw Hamilton curled up in a ball with his hands over his ears. He was frightened. Laurens reached in and touched his arm. "Alexander, are you alright?"

Hamilton shook his head but stayed in his place. Laurens wasn't sure what to do. "C'mon," he said while trying to get Hamilton out from his hiding spot. Reluctantly, he emerged. Rain pounded against the window. Another sound of thunder threw Hamilton into Laurens. Laurens ran his fingers threw Hamilton's hair in an attempt to clam down the shivering man. Hamilton's face was buried into Laurens shoulder. Alexander was hoping Laurens couldn't tell he was crying.  

Laurens managed to reach over and pull a blanket off the bed and wrap it around them. Every boom of thunder caused Hamilton's discomfort to rise. The pair had been sitting like this for quite some time and Laurens was starting to get concerned. With every flash of lightning Hamilton would pull closer to him. Laurens noticed that Hamilton had started mumbling, some of the things Laurens couldn't make out. He could hear quiet terms such as "don't go" and "stay". He pulled the blanket tighter around them and whispered to his friend, "I'm not going anywhere." 

Neither of them remembered falling asleep but Laurens was sure Hamilton had dozed off first. It had been a rough night for both of them. Laurens had learned that sleeping sitting up on the floor was not comfortable but he supposed that this time it had been necessary. Hamilton's head was in his lap and his hand was still in his hair. Laurens continued to pet Hamilton's hair, it had seemed to soothe him. Laurens wasn't sure if he should bring up everything that had happened or if he should wait for Hamilton to say something. He thought that, like a storm, maybe he could just wait it out.

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