Chapter 11 - Immigrants, We Get The Job Done

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There were only two days of classes left before winter break. Laurens had been expecting Hamilton to be working his ass off. Laurens knew that he would probably be working over the break as well. The good thing was that Hamilton had the ability to talk and work at the same time. He was almost as good at it as he was at lying about how much sleep he got. As Laurens walked into the dorm building his phone rang, it was Eliza.

"What's up," he answered.

"Hey Laurens," it was actually Peggy, "umm where you at?"

"I'm about to get to my room, why?" 

Laurens heard some shouts but he couldn't make out any clear words. "You might want to come up here. Now."

"I'm on my way," Laurens hung up the phone and sighed before quickly ascending the staircase at the end of the hallway. Both Peggy and Hercules ran down the hallway to meet him. All he could see was a large group blocking the hall.

"Laurens! Good you made it, it's the event of the year," Hercules attempted to joke.

"Let me give you the run down," Peggy started.

"Fuck you!" Laurens heard Hamilton shout from somewhere inside the crowd.

Peggy grabbed onto Laurens so he wouldn't rush into things. "Hamilton was on his way downstairs when he heard Burr say something that clearly Hamilton didn't agree with."

"So, naturally, Alexander tried to get Burr to basically apologize or shut up," Hercules added.

"Yeah, and then Jefferson made a comment about how they shouldn't give Hamilton any time of day. Of course, Jefferson was pretty nasty and I guess Hamilton was not having it," Peggy said as she finally let go of Laurens.

"Hamilton is too worked up to tell us exactly what was said but he really wants to hurt him," Hercules turned and tried to see if things in the crowd had gotten worse. 

"He's being held down by three people," Peggy said before jogging back to where the drama was happening. Laurens and Hercules followed her. 

Angelica was standing in front of Alexander trying to calm him down but he clearly was not listening. Eliza was holding his left arm and Lafayette was holding his right one that he was trying to get free. "Angelica, get out of the way, I got this," Hamilton laughed. He was ready to fight. 

Madison was trying to get Jefferson to leave but he wasn't moving. "Oh hush," Jefferson gestured to his friend while making sure Hamilton could hear him, "who even is this kid? What harm could he possibly do?" 

"Just you wait," Hamilton growled through gritted teeth. 

"Nothing bad will happen if you ignore him," Lafayette whispered to the angry man. He gave Laurens a desperate look. Laurens was trying to come up with some sort of game plan.

Hamilton looked at his french friend, "you heard what he said." Lafayette nodded and Hamilton looked back at Angelica, "move."

"Alexander" she was trying to plea with him.


"Would you look at that," Jefferson clapped his hands together, "he brought his boyfriend to fight his battles. Wouldn't be the first time he let someone else do what he should be doing himself." 

Peggy put her hand on Laurens should as a sign that he should stay where he was. The look he gave Angelica at that moment was enough to get her to move. As a result, Lafayette and Eliza let him go. Everyone watched in silence as Hamilton walked over to Jefferson. 

"Listen," Hamilton kept his voice down so only Jefferson could hear him. Everyone was standing there for a solid ten minutes as Hamilton whispered to Jefferson. They were looking at the expression on the taller man's face as a hint to what was being said but they were given nothing. Laurens could see that Hamilton was shaking a little by the time Jefferson finally cut him off.

"I'm sorry but no one actually cares," Jefferson lowered his voice but he could still be heard. "Do you honestly think he doesn't just feel bad for you?" Hamilton stood completely still for a moment. "What other reason does he really have for staying? You said it yourself, didn't you?" Lafayette got ready to move forward as he saw Hamilton tighten his fist. Jefferson spoke up, "cold in my professions, warm in my-" His words were cut short by Hamilton's fist colliding with his mouth. 

Lafayette managed to grab the tiny man before he could inflict any more damage. "Just piss off Jefferson," Eliza shouted at him. 

"Oh honey," Jefferson smiled, "if only you knew what I did." He blew a kiss in her direction before turning and going his own way. Hamilton was still fighting against Lafayette.

Laurens made his way to Hamilton and took him from Lafayette. "Hey, settle down," Laurens wasn't sure what he was supposed to do.

"John," Hamilton still wanted to be angry but he found himself getting more upset than anything. "I can't do this right now." He pulled himself out of Laurens' grip and walked in the opposite direction Jefferson had gone. All of his friends were left confused and worried. 

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