Chapter 14 - At Least I Know Where France Is

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"I look stupid," Jefferson said looking in the mirror. He couldn't believe he had been talked into this. Jefferson never liked the way Lafayette dressed, he liked wearing it less. 

"Do it in french," Madison ordered as he handed Jefferson a hair tie.

"I look le stupid," Jefferson said doing a pretty good french accent. It wasn't as bad as he had expected. He pulled his hair into a ponytail.

"This could actually work," Madison said as he stepped back to examine the look. In this moment, Jefferson was identical to Lafayette. This would work perfectly. 


Alexander had been busy writing in his room while Laurens was out. He always tried to get as much done as he could before Laurens would make him rest. Just as Hamilton was finishing his current page, Lafayette appeared in the doorway. 

"Hamilton, good, you're here," Lafayette sounded like he might have been coming down with something.

"Lafayette," Hamilton invited his friend to sit down, "how are things?" Hamilton noticed that Lafayette didn't have his signature floral scent. Today he smelled something like cheap aftershave. Hamilton couldn't figure out why.

"Things are well but I was wondering if you could help me with something?"

"Of course mon ami, what is it," Hamilton asked. Lafayette was usually pretty capable. If he needed help it had to be something important. Hamilton hoped he would be able to help.

"I have a paper, it isn't due yet but I need to make sure it's correct. I was just thinking that maybe you could look it over."

"Okay," Hamilton took the paper from his friend and read it over. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Usually Hercules was the one to do this sort of thing. Hamilton looked up as Laurens walked past the bedroom looking very confused. Lafayette smiled at Laurens, a friendly greeting. However, when Lafayette smiled, Hamilton noticed something odd. His friend had a chipped tooth. Hamilton didn't remember hearing about that happening.  "Qu'Est-ce que c'est?"

"I ummm... it's nothing," Laurens shook it off and gathered his books. He didn't realize Lafayette had followed him inside. In fact, he was certain that Lafayette had gone to his own room to get his books.

Hamilton looked over at Lafayette and handed him back the paper. "Le papier est très bien. Ce qui se passe à votre dent?"

"Oui," the man took the paper from Hamilton. Hamilton raised an eyebrow. Laurens, who was in the other room, also noticed the inappropriate response. Hamilton had not asked a yes or no question.

Jefferson realized that he had obviously made a mistake and quickly gave terrible excuse and left the room. He left so quickly that Laurens didn't even have time to say bye.

Hamilton walked out of the bedroom just as the door shut. Both Hamilton and Laurens looked over as the bathroom door opened. Laurens tried to wrap his head around what just happened. Their room was connected to Hercules and Lafayette's room through the bathroom but he had not expected Lafayette to walk out of the bathroom. Hamilton was already quickly making his way towards the door. He only got as far as making two steps into the hall before he stopped.

Lafayette appeared to be just as confused as Laurens was. Hamilton walked back into the room and took a deep breath, "I'm okay. I am okay." He was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Are you," Laurens was concerned.

"Yes," Hamilton did seem to be calmed down.

That was when Maria Reynolds walked into the room. "Did you guys see that," she pointed down the hall, "Jefferson was wearing blue."

"Jefferson?" Hamilton turned to face her.

"Yeah, he was in a crop top. It's weird, he usually wears long shirts and purple."

"Where was he going," Hamilton stepped closer to the door.

"He-he was on his way upstairs."

Alexander screeched. All three of the other people in the room were very confused at this behaviour.

"Maria," Laurens said while looking at Hamilton, "I think you should go get one of the sisters." Maria nodded and ran to get one of them.

Hamilton continued to scream as he walked back into the bedroom where he stopped. Laurens and Lafayette exchanged a look. Neither of them wanted to check on Hamilton in this particular moment. They thought it best to give him a few minutes. Both men sat on either side of the bedroom door and waited for Maria to come back.

Laurens couldn't make out what Hamilton was saying. It was the first time he had heard Hamilton speak Spanish. Laurens continued to pet the turtle in his lap. Every few minutes they could make out a name, either it was Jefferson or Laurens. Maria returned with all three of the sisters and Hercules.  

"Is that..." Eliza asked as she pointed to the angry shouts coming from the bedroom.

"Yeah, I think he might be throwing things," Laurens looked over at her.

Collectively they decided it would be best to wait for Hamilton to calm down before going in there. 

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