Chapter 13 - Miss Maria Reynolds

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Hamilton knew that Jefferson wouldn't attempt to expose anything until all the students were back in classes. Christmas had been fun but there was a lot to do. Hamilton spent everyday writing, Laurens would help. Finally, he had ninety-five pages of something. He felt that it was done. There was one person who could help. Hamilton had two friends that Laurens didn't know about. Luckily, both of them had come back from break early. 

Hamilton continued to work until he knew Laurens was asleep. He took this opportunity  to sneak away.


"So let me get this right, you want me to sneak into Jefferson's apartment and destroy anything that involves you or your journal."

"Exactly," Hamilton nodded.

Maria Reynolds had been one of the first people he met in this school. She was nice, pretty, and sneaky. She was also the reason Hamilton was roommates with Laurens. 

"And you want me to distract him, Madison, and Burr?"

"Yes," Hamilton nodded again.

George Washington had been a great help to Hamilton. He was the one who introduced him to the Schuyler sisters.

 "Wait," Maria raised her hand to make sure Hamilton didn't say anything, "why don't the two of us distract them while you go in his apartment?"

Hamilton had already considered this option. "He's expecting me to do something. He would most likely hide these things somewhere I'd never think of or somewhere I couldn't get to."

"Okay," she nodded. She was pretty good at finding things, she felt up to the task. "What if it's all on his phone?"

"Ahh, yes, that would be Plan B."

"What's that?" Washington seemed curious. He knew Hamilton was smart.

"Well, it is a little more complicated. It would probably be easier to go over later. It involves a few more people," Hamilton smiled hoping they would have him explain the whole thing. It wasn't exactly all put together yet.

"Hamilton, you do realize that there's only a few days to pull this off." Washington was right. They didn't have long, they would have to act fast.

"That's why I was thinking we try Plan A today."

"Okay." Hamilton was thrilled they both seemed to be on board with things. It almost looked like this was going to work after all. He almost felt like he and Laurens had done all that writing for nothing although he knew he would still use it for something.


Hamilton sat in his bed and took some more cough medicine. "Laurens, I'm fine," he sniffled. He was hoping he would hear something back soon. Hamilton had been ignoring his cold over the entire break until Laurens noticed.

"You'll be better when the medicine gets rid of your cold," Laurens kissed his cheek.

Before Hamilton could say anything about him being totally fine, there was a knock at the door. Laurens went and opened the door. 

"Hi Laurens," Maria said pushing her way inside with a laptop under her arm. "Washington managed to buy us a lot of time, we have like an hour." She sat next to Hamilton and opened the computer.

"Hi Maria," Laurens finally said while closing the door. "You two know each other?"

"Yeah," Hamilton said as Maria managed to get in the computer. Laurens watched the two go through the computer for a solid twenty minutes before Maria shut it and went on her way. Hamilton let a sigh of relief, "that's taken care of."

"What was that," Laurens was still very confused.

"Well, umm..."


"It was Jefferson's but we just did it to make sure that we would be ready for whatever he did. It was all in good intention," Hamilton smiled with hope that Laurens would understand.

"As long as it was good intention but it was still stealing," Laurens cuddled up against Hamilton. "Going through this much trouble is going to get you killed."


"We need to figure this out," Jefferson finally collapsed on his bed. Almost everything they had against Hamilton was gone. It was not the best situation. "We have to get it back." Jefferson spat and sat up. Jefferson had a whole new reason to be upset with Hamilton, the man had chipped one of his perfect teeth.  He was frustrated. He pushed his hair behind his head only to have it pop back into place, it was something he did when he needed to think. 

"That could work," Burr chimed in.

"What," Jefferson looked up. For the first time he was almost interested in whatever Burr had to say.

Madison nodded, "I think Burr is right." The look on Jefferson's face told Madison that a better explanation was needed. "How's your french?"


Laurens had bought a couch medicine would make Hamilton drowsy so he could try to get a normal amount of sleep. So far, it had been working. The extra sleep didn't stop Hamilton from working, he still did his homework the moment it was assigned. Laurens almost wished for that kind of motivation. Regardless, it was good to see Hamilton sleep. 

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