Chapter 3 - Just You Wait

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It took about twenty minutes of fairly one sided conversation for Hercules and Lafayette to decide they liked Hamilton. Laurens had never heard the boy talk this much. He soaked up every word. When Hamilton finally stopped for a breath, Lafayette smiled at Laurens. 

"Vous aviez raison, il est assez mignon."

Laurens shot a glare at his friend as he hushed him. He could see the blush on Hamilton's face as he took a sip of his drink. "You aren't too bad yourself." In that moment both Lafayette and Laurens learned something important, Hamilton knew french. 

Laurens felt his face turn bright red. He hadn't expected a comment like that. Lafayette almost screamed. He was just excited that another person knew french, it always excited him. Laurens turned his head to hide his face and noticed someone looking at him from across the room. Thomas Jefferson was looking past his own friends and looking at John Laurens. It wasn't that the two hated each other, they just never got along that well. Thomas quickly went back to chatting with his friends. Laurens could feel his blush fading and he looked back at Hamilton.

"I didn't know you knew french," was all he could think to say.

"There's a million things you don't know yet," Hamilton smiled. "Just you wait." 

Before Laurens could say another word, Peggy came over and handed each boy a shot glass. "Angelica's about to verbally kick that King George's ass. She told me to bring you all shots to celebrate her soon to be victory."

Hercules grinned, "if she wasn't doing it I would."

"Mon ami, you would kill the boy," Lafayette nudged his friend.

They all took their shots in unison. It was clear that Alexander was not a vodka person, neither was John. They all heard cheers and Peggy laughed. "Fifteen seconds, that might just be a new record. I'll see you guys later," she said as she ran back to her sister.

That was about the last thing anyone remembered. There was a vague moment of Lafayette pulling some tequila out of his bag as well as vague moments or conversation between Hamilton and Laurens. All the significant details were blurred shortly afterwards.

Laurens woke up in his own bed. Looking over, he noticed that Hamilton wasn't in his bed. This was probably a bad sign. Where did he go? Laurens felt something move next to him and was almost relieved when he saw it was Alexander. Another relief was that both men were fully clothed. Laurens didn't want to wake his friend but he really needed to pee. He did his best to be careful getting out so Hamilton could finally get some rest. 

By the time Laurens came out of the bathroom Hamilton was awake. He was sitting up, still in Laurens bed, with his hand on his head. He noticed Laurens in the doorway and then noticed he wasn't in his own bed. "This is a turn of events," Hamilton said before laying back down. Laurens laughed and sat at the bottom of the bed where Hamilton's legs didn't reach. "My head hurts," the man mumbled into the pillow.

"That happens sometimes," Laurens told him while flipping open his sketchbook. He felt like crap but it wasn't the worst. He obliviously didn't feel as terrible as Hamilton. Laurens began to draw. He wasn't drawing anything particular, it was just a doodle. It wasn't until Hamilton began to snore that Laurens realized it was the sleeping man appearing in his book. It wasn't looking bad so he decided to keep going with it. He only did that until Lafayette came bursting through the door.

"Good morning," he beamed while handing Laurens a coffee. "It seems like someone had a good night, non?" Lafayette raised an eyebrow the sleeping Alexander.

"Oh relax, nothing happened," Laurens rolled his eyes. 

"I'm not sure I call it nothing," Hercules said appearing next to Lafayette. The confused look on Laurens face caused both men to chuckle. 

"What happened," Laurens was almost afraid.

"Well, you two decided to ignore us and spend the whole night talking. Oh, then on the way back here Alexander over there threw up in the trash can next to Jefferson's room after almost fist fighting him. That's about it."

"I think Jefferson had it coming," Lafayette said, "he wouldn't know french it it slapped him in the face. Also, he is an ass." Lafayette never liked Jefferson, he especially didn't like him after he came back from France.

They heard Hamilton laugh into the pillow. Laurens poked him in the leg, "you awake sleeping beauty?"

"No," Hamilton rolled over and sat up, "I am not awake." Hamilton could see each of the men trying not to laugh. His eyes drifted back to Laurens, "what is it?"

"Your hair is a little," Laurens tried to think about how to put it into words, "all over the place."

Hamilton sighed. "Of course it is."

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