Chapter 6 - Some Complicated Terms

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Laurens left his friends and promised them he would go straight back to Alexander. However, Laurens had his fingers crossed. He wandered around the halls for a while trying to clear his mind of Alexander, it wasn't working. Laurens didn't know what to do. 

He managed to walk past several groups of people but only one was able to distract him. Jefferson's squad, which only consisted of Jefferson, Madison, and the occasional Aaron Burr, were gathered in the corner where they usually stand if they don't feel like being in anyone's room. Once again, it seemed like Jefferson was going out of his way to look at Laurens. It didn't give him a great feeling. Usually Jefferson isn't up to much good. This was only the second time this was happening but it was still more time than Jefferson gave to most people.

Laurens did his best to shake it off and took his stroll outdoors. He really had no clue what to think. It appeared to be sometime around lunch since there were many kids sitting around eating but John wasn't hungry. There was just too much on his mind.

He once again noticed Jefferson's little squad heading out to probably get something to eat. This time Jefferson seemed to look like he was thinking while looking at Laurens. Laurens had didn't care too much about anything Jefferson did but his behaviour was freaking him out a little. What could Jefferson possibly want with Laurens? He just did his best to shake it off again.

Jefferson did have something that may have resembled a plan that did involve John Laurens. It wasn't really a plan at all. They just needed to do something along the lines of talking. Jefferson already knew what they would talk about. The tricky part was that Jefferson needed to talk to him alone an without anyone knowing it ever happened. He especially needed to ensure that Alexander Hamilton would be nowhere near the conversation. 

Jefferson wouldn't trust Laurens with his life but he felt like this kind of idea was something Laurens would have to respect even if it was bullshit. It wouldn't be in his best interest to spread rumors about Jefferson anyway. All he had to do was get this kid alone. Jefferson wasn't sure how long the conversation would be so he'd have to be careful. He had a reputation and nowhere in that reputation did John Laurens fit. That was the only thing that was certain at this point.


Hamilton left the dorm room and headed to the library. It was quiet there and he had things to write about. Luckily, he had managed to grab his journal before running out of the room like a scared puppy.  He couldn't go back there until he knew exactly what to say. That was the funny think about Laurens, he was the only person to truly leave Hamilton speechless. 

Hamilton thought that if he had some time to write things down before going back, he'd be able to talk things over with Laurens. Maybe then all would be well. If there was one thing Hamilton knew for certain at this point it was that writing to Laurens was much easier than talking to him.

 Occasionally, Hamilton would find himself writing to Laurens rather than just writing in his journal. He would read it over and not know what to think. Laurens often left Alexander feeling helpless after just a glance. He had never had anything close to this happen before.

He chose a library table that was tucked in the corner and away from the windows. Pulling the pen out of his pocket and opening to a clean page in his notebook, he finally knew what he was going to write.

My dear Laurens...


John returned to the room before Hamilton. He still wasn't sure what to think or what to say. Hell, he wasn't sure what to do. Just as John was about to pace a trench into the floor, the door opened and Hamilton walked inside. 

"I'm...I'm sorry...about before," Hamilton started but had nowhere to go with it. "It was just... you looked really cute just sleeping there. That sounds creepy. Ummm...You're just..."

"You think I'm cute," Laurens was almost amazed.

"To put it into simple terms, yes," Hamilton shifted his weight as Laurens walked closer. Hamilton could see his feet but still couldn't judge how close his face would be.

"What about complicated terms?"

"Laurens, you and I both know that there's too much work to do for me to possibly find the time or day to put things into complicated terms for you." Hamilton looked up and noticed that Laurens was only inches away.

"Can I give it a shot?" Laurens could see the short stubble on Alexander's face.

"Be my guest," Alexander had no idea what he was getting into. 

Laurens kissed Hamilton for the second time. It was their third kiss and still, nothing made sense. Hamilton's hand found his and the interlocked fingers. They remained like this until Hamilton spoke. "Laurens, I like you a lot." 

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