Chapter 15 - This Immigrant's Keeping Us All On Our Toes

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Jefferson walked back into his room where Madison and Burr were waiting. "Burr," Jefferson smiled, "next time you have an idea, don't." He stormed into his bedroom.


Hamilton had sufficiently destroyed the bedroom before he walked out and began to destroy the room where all of his friends were. Destruction didn't appear to be his intention, he seemed to be looking for something. One positive thing was that Hamilton had finally stopped screaming but he was still muttering things in Spanish. No one was sure they even wanted to know what he was saying.

"I just don't know how so much anger can be held in such a little man," Hercules said while observing Hamilton's search. 

"You'd think he'd be out of energy by now, it's been an hour and a half," Eliza pointed out.

"He'll be fine...eventually," Laurens hoped. 


Jefferson felt successful considering how things went. He got what he wanted. Hamilton was finally about to get what was coming to him.

At the beginning of every school year a book is put in the library featuring stories and poems written by the students. Every student who makes the cut to be in the book is given a small financial aid  towards their tuition. Jefferson had been certain that one of his two stories would have made the cut. He hadn't. His name had been nowhere in the book. Instead, Alexander Hamilton had been given two spaces. It was ridiculous. Jefferson couldn't understand how something like this could possibly happen. 

Another thing the school does is, at the end of each semester, they publish a list of the top students in every year of study. During high school it had been a battle between the Schuyler sisters, George Washington, and Jefferson. Every year Jefferson had won even if it had only been by a single point. He had expected university to be different but nothing like this. Hamilton was in the spot where it should have said Jefferson's name. Hamilton had been continuously stealing his opportunities. 

Jefferson knew Hamilton's situation. If, at any point, Hamilton's grades began to suffer his scholarship and aid would stop. He would be forced to leave. If that happened then things could return to normal and Jefferson would have nothing to worry about. Jefferson would be back on top.

Jefferson was now sitting by the window across from Madison and Burr. "This prick is asking for someone to bring him to task," Jefferson glared out the window while his friends combed through the pages of Hamilton's journal. Jefferson was determined not to lose it.

This was Jefferson's opportunity. This was his chance. Now, he had the upper hand, he had the power, and he could do what he wanted. It felt pretty good to have this much control. Jefferson was beginning to think of what his next move would be. He didn't plan to just put all of Hamilton's secrets out there just yet. He wanted to have some fun.  


Hamilton stood in the middle of the room and looked around. It wasn't a total mess but it wasn't great. He was still very upset but Laurens wouldn't be able to clean all of this up. Hamilton took his stress that caused him to make the mess and put it towards fixing this minor situation. Maybe in his search he had actually knocked over his journal. He couldn't yet be certain that Jefferson had it. He didn't want to know that happened yet. 

"He's putting things back," Hercules looked at Laurens.

"He's not done," Laurens could tell this would go on for a while. He hated seeing Hamilton like this. He just wanted him to be happy. Laurens still didn't understand how all of this could have happened.

By this point it had been about five hours. The girls had all left to go to bed but demanded to be informed if anything happened. Lafayette had fallen asleep on Hercules. It had gotten late but Laurens was planning on staying up until Hamilton fell asleep. He thought it was a good idea to keep an idea on him.

It took another three hours for Hamilton to finish his little clean up. Laurens could see him just standing in the middle of the bedroom looking defeated. Hamilton turned and walked over to Laurens. He didn't say a word, he just picked up Laurens' hand and took him to bed. The two laid there and cuddled for a while before eventually falling asleep.

Laurens was hoping that Hamilton wouldn't do anything over the top. He understood why Hamilton wanted to fight. It was all he knew. Laurens knew how hard Hamilton fought to get where he was. He knew how much he needed to fight to stay. What Laurens really wanted was for Hamilton to let him help. So far, Hamilton had been fighting all by himself. Laurens loved this boy, if he had to fight with him then he would, it didn't bother him. 

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