Chapter 9 - A Wet Baguette (And Peggy)

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Alexander was sitting at his desk writing instead of typing. His journal was strategically placed so that Laurens wouldn't be able to read anything. Laurens was relieved that, for once, Hamilton wasn't working. Laurens wasn't sure what he was doing but he just knew it wasn't school work. Both men stopped what they were doing when Lafayette opened the door. He seemed pretty upset. 

"Laurens, pourquoi ne dites-vous pas vos sentiments à Hamilton?"  Lafayette was doing his best to keep his voice down as he scolded Laurens. Laurens just blinked at the man trying to think of a response. "Hercules m'a dit," Lafayette crossed his arms. Laurens began to stutter a response as to why he never told Hamilton what he told Lafayette but he was cut off by the Frenchman. "Vous avez dit que vous feriez. Laurens Ceci est une grosse affaire. Vous devez lui dire."

Hamilton was very intrigued at this point. Lafayette was clearly angry with Laurens because he was supposed to tell something to Hamilton and he didn't. 

"Laf," Laurens tried to calm his friend down but it wasn't working. 

"Vous pouvez me dire que vous l'aimez , mais vous ne pouvez pas lui dire , vraiment? Est-ce que vous allez juste rester là comme une baguette humide ou allez-vous aller chercher lui? Il est juste là !"

Laurens didn't know what to say. Did Lafayette really just say that? Fuck.

Hamilton was dumbfounded. "C-could you," he choked, "could you keep your voice down since il est ici..."

Laurens rolled over and screamed into his pillow. Lafayette turned pale and backed out of the room. Hamilton heard Hercules shout something from the end of the hall as Lafayette ran away. Laurens screamed again. Hamilton sat at his desk for another few minutes before he could compose himself. Laurens had remained motionless. Hamilton knew what he had to do.


"Peggy, please. He won't get up," Hamilton explained, "I don't think he wants to talk to me right now. Can you help?"

Peggy squinted at the man in front of her, "were you crying?"

"Yes, heavily. Please help him. I think Lafayette might have killed him or he's about to kill Lafayette," Alexander begged for her help. 

Peggy nodded and followed Hamilton back to where Laurens was. She walked in and crashed on the bed where Laurens was. He groaned in reaction to being used as a mattress. 

"Use your words," Peggy said while gently smacking him in the head. "Tell me about it." She rolled off of him and stayed at his side. 

Laurens rolled onto his back and sighed. "I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kick his ass back to France." Laurens sat up and was pushed back down by Peggy. 

"Talk to me Laurens," she said while sitting up.

"Lafayette told Hamilton everything because he was mad at me and forgot Hamilton knew french. I'm going to kill him."

"You're not killing anyone Laurens," Peggy thought for a moment, "I'll talk to Lafayette." 

As if on cue, Eliza and Angelica walked in. Clearly, they were there to make sure Laurens didn't try to get to the Frenchman before Peggy did. 

She made her way to the room where Hercules was trying to calm down Lafayette. Peggy stood in the doorway and told Hercules that he should go get some coffee. 


Hamilton paced in front of the room. He could hear Laurens trying to convince the two girls to let him go for just a second. Hamilton stopped as he saw Peggy walk back. 

"You didn't kill Lafayette did you?" 

"No, I love that kid," Peggy laughed. "I talked to him. It's all sorted out," she patted his head, "don't you worry about it."

"Is he okay?"

"Oh, he's fine now. I might be in a bit of trouble when Angelica checks her freezer but Lafayette is fine." Hamilton gave a sigh of relief. At least one of the issues was solved.  "Now," Peggy grabbed Alexander by the back of his shoulders, "go talk to your man." She shoved him into the room where he almost landed on his face. Both Eliza and Angelica laughed before shutting the door. 

Laurens looked at Hamilton. He still didn't know what to say. "Hamilton, I..." Laurens saw Hamilton's lip quiver, "what's wrong?" Laurens was concerned that he was the one who upset Hamilton. He hated seeing him upset. Laurens watched as Hamilton walked over and sat next to him on the bed. Neither said anything, Hamilton was worried he might cry again. He hadn't thought about how he would explain that part to Laurens. He didn't want to think about.

He was still a little shocked that Laurens loved him. He didn't think it was possible. Every other person who loved him was dead. He was not about to let that happen to Laurens. 

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