chapter 5

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(a/n- trigger warning as continuing from last chapter)

Vic's POV

I decided to go for walk to clear my head, Mike and i had a pretty big fight earlier this afternoon and my thoughts are starting to go crazy. I finally arrive at the park and i see something that catches my attention. Kellin's bag? I had known it was his since we both had drawn on it a few days ago. "kellin?" i say loudly, checking if he was here.

That was when I seen him, I froze. I couldn't move, my legs were stiff and my heart sunk. kellin, how could this be? i run over to his body, putting pressure on his wound to stop the bleeding. I pull out my phone from my back pocket with tears going everywhere. "kellin?" "kellin fucking wake up, don't you dare leave me, or i go to" i say, although you could barely hear me since i was crying and screaming for help. no one at all helped, why can people be so horrible? 

"ambulance" i scream into the phone, "hurry up for fuck sake" i whisper, still holding Kellin's wrist. "please, God, i can't lose him, i can't lose another person" i cry. After speaking on the phone, a few seconds later i could already hear sirens coming and lights flashing. They take him away from me to put him on the bed, "who are you to Mr. Quinn?" one of the officers ask politely, "his boyfriend" i knew they wouldn't let me go if i had said friend. I jumped in the back of the van as the vehicle started moving, There were officers surrounded around kellin's bed in the ambulance, saying words I've never even heard of. I was completely zoned out when we arrived at the hospital and the van door's sung open as they wheeled kellin's body in.

It had felt like i was sitting in the waiting room for hours when a doctor walked out, "Anyone for Mr. Quinn?" the tall man spoke. I jumped up as fast as i could, running over to the man. "I am" i said, still very shaken up. "if you'd like to follow me" he said and motioned for me to follow. We were walking up the hospital hall way were all the rooms are "We've got Kellin in a stable condition, He had a blood transfusion as he had lost to much, and is now resting. He should be awake in a few hours, actually. He is going to be very tired, and may not remember the events of the whole night. Mr. Fuentes, can i ask, do you know why kellin may have done this?" he spoke carefully. "no, i don't. I'm sorry" i looked down at my feet and spoke again, "can i see him, please" the doctor replied "Yes, follow me". The walk to kellin's room was very quite, no more words were spoken until we arrived outside his door. "here is his room, if you need me call out" and he walked off the other direction.

I walked in, seeing kellins body on the hospital bed with tubes everywhere. The room was very plain, White walls, bedside table with some posh magazine, and a seat right next to the bed. I took a seat on the chair, and looked at kellin, the state he was in honestly broke me to bits. His wrist was bandaged up, and there was a small amount of blood coming through the bandage, and some on the white sheet. I reached my hand out, holding onto kellin's. "kellin, I'm not sure if you can hear me or not, the doctor says you can, although i'm not completely sure, I'm so sorry i wasn't there to help you, or talk you out of this. I shouldn't of let you go home." i wanted to continue but i couldn't, it hurt to much and my voice cut out, leaving me with just tears. My eye's were burning, and my face was puffy.


kellin's pov

I slightly move my head, the lights were bright and i could barely open my eyes. Suddenly there was pain through my right wrist, and then i thought 'where am i'. I couldn't remember. 

"kellin?" i heard a very soft shaky voice say, "kells?" he spoke again with such worry in his voice, i instantly knew who it was, Vic. My eyes finally adjusted so i could open my eyelids, the first thing i saw was Vic's body hovering over my own. "kellin, you're awake. Thank god. kells what were you thinking?" he started to cry, and there was nothing i could do. Looking down onto my body, i was in a hospital gown and on my left arm was a hospital bracelet and on the right was a bandage. fuck. "vic?" i spoke up. kellin grabbed my hand and just held it, looking at me with worry in his eyes, he looked like shit, not in a bad way, he still looked like the cute Mexican boy he is, but his eyes were bloodshot and puffy, and he had tear stains going down his cheek. His hair was a mess, but i gather mine was too. My head was pounding, and the pain actually had me in tears.

"Mr. Quinn, I see you're awake, how are you feeling?" A doctor opened the door without knocking. "okay, well, my head hurts a lot" i spoke back to the man. Vic was still sitting in the same chair he had been. " I can get you pain killers for that. Vic, could you please hop out while i speak to Kellin?" Vic stood up and nodded, ready to leave when, "oh, no. Let Vic stay, please" i insisted. The doctor nodded and started speaking again while Vic took a seat again. "Can you tell me the events of the night that you remember?" hm. "I remember going to the park, and ugh.. doing it, and then i blacked out, I don't remember anything else" i mumbled, not wanting to talk to him. He nodded, "Why did you do this?" he spoke like it was something i was proud of. "i don't know.." i again mumbled back as a reply. Vic was still sitting on chair starring at the ground. "Do you regret doing what you did?" he asked, "yes" i lied back to him, I wasn't proud of what i did, but i don't regret it, i just wish i hadn't failed. "Alright, that's all. Usually you would get referred to a mental health clinic to stay at, though there are not spaces at the moment. So, you will be attending weekly counseling sessions. You will be discharged tomorrow if everything goes well. If you need me you can find me around. Good luck Kellin." i fake smiled at him as he walked out of the door, shutting it.

"Vic?" i spoke, He looks up instantly, "yeah, kellin?" he still sounds so worried. "i'm sorry" i spoke again. "Please just don't do this again, Kellin i can't lose you." he spoke, And i told him to come into my bed, even though he wasn't supposed to. We both fell asleep on the hard hospital bed, although i'm glad we were together.

(A/N- ptv is coming to Australia in a week and i can't even see them and it hurt so much uhhhh, but i hope this update is okiiie! vote and comment! )

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