Camera Roll Challenge (A/N)

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Hello people who are reading this. I have three things to say:

1. If you've gotten this far in my book then I'm honestly surprised and I love you so much

2. I'm in the middle of editing the next chapter so prepare for an update

3. Shooting__Star tagged me to do this "camera roll" challenge thingy.

It's as simple as it could possibly be. You post a picture from your camera roll (hence the title) and you put it here for the entire world to view. I'm just going to pick a random picture then I'll post that picture.

 I'm just going to pick a random picture then I'll post that picture

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

So there. It's done. Don't judge me.

Anyway thank you Shooting__Star for tagging me (you should check them out they're pretty dope).

Also I tag everyone reading this.

You don't have to if you don't want to, BUT TAG ME IN IT SO I CAN SEE IT M'KAY READERS!

Thanks for reading, also sorry if you were expecting a legit update, but this isn't and a legit update won't happen until at least next week.

I love all of you guys and I hope you guys have a FANTASTIC day! Also good luck at school for those who started, I'm on my second week and my back is sore as heck.


(also list some things you'd like to see happen. I love listening to others ideas and I'm flexible with adding things,)

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