No Longer Jade

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I remember gathering every last drop of the poison Lance created after the rainbows in my eyes cleared up, all of it I could find at least.

The weight of getting rid of it was on my shoulders, so I simply just found the nearest trash can and threw it in, but before I set the entire thing on fire.

That night, I felt absolutely normal. Only Lance knew the effects of this Metahuman maker but, obviously, he can't really tell me right now or ever! He's dead!

Giggles spread through my mind and I let out a few. I'm crazy, it's okay if I laugh.

Other than what happened, it was a normal night... no, actually, I felt more open about my thoughts that night. For example, when I saw a gang in one of the many alleyways near my house, I told them that they were all assholes and stupid.

Of course they wanted to kill me after that, but when the first guy came up to abuse me, I simply just wrapped my small leg around his neck and snapped it. My first thought was 'wow! this is kinda fun!'

The other men ran away from me into the darkness of the alley while I just skipped home.

I don't remember when I learned to do these killer moves but I was acing them. My body was a weapon and I was the best master ever!

That night just consisted of me becoming more internally happy by the minute, ever ounce of depression just vanished.

Two kills in one night, oh, the rookie days.

Waking up the next morning, I felt much more like myself. That was until I put on my glasses.

Everything was blurry as hell. So when I took them off, I could see my surroundings clearly.

Just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, I compared with my glasses to without about five more times until I finally believed it.

For some reason, my only reaction other than happiness was just bursting out laughing. Confusion was only slightly present.

I could see clearly again! This was amazing! Wow, I guess I should really thank Lance.

Looking at the floor, I yelled "thanks for this, Lance! I'll see you in hell one day!" and laughed maniacally.

Who was I now? Because there was no way I was still that quiet, shy young woman Jade Savage anymore. No! I was someone new! I was better than her, I was powerful!

Gotta show it, not to just me, but everyone! That girl that sat in the shadows is no more, I am now the main performance of everyone in Central City's life.

First things first, I needed a new name. A brand spanking new bad ass name. But what? what was I? Who was I now if I was no longer Jade Savage? The internet was always a best bet.

Quickly jumping onto my bed, I pulled my laptop out from my nightstand table and began typing away. Searching 'bomb ass nicknames' was my best bet. I was wrong... so completely wrong. All that came up was a bunch of definitions for bomb ass.

I decided the lower the enthusiasm of the search to 'cool nicknames'. A few came up such as the following:

Venus? As in goddess of love? No, thank you.

Eclipse? Uh... no.

Wonder Woman? Taken.

Copycat? Well, that's funny.

Vicious? A bit straight forward.

None of these were good, like at all. I needed something fun and unique. Maybe something that was a play on a word.

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