Only A Lil' Crazy: Part Two

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It was midnight.

And I was smart to know that J and I doing it was a great diversion for him. He didn't ask about where I was going after that.

He was asleep next to me, knocked the fuck out. I guess when you go for about... an hour and a half, it wears you out.

I leaned over him and place my lips softly on his cheek to see if he'd wake up. When he didn't even flinch,  I slowly slipped out of the bed before grabbing a silk blanket and wrapping it around my bare body.

My clothes was scattered all around the bed, so I picked them all up and began to get dressed.

I was coming right back anyway, so what's the point of putting on new clothes.

Checking on J one last time, I finally left the room. My after-sex hair was prominent and my lipstick was faintly there. My lips a little sore from the amount of pressure J put on them with his'.

They literally felt like they were blown up like balloons, though, that's not what they looked like.

Walking down the hallway quietly, I decided to stop by Jade's bedroom. Creaking the door open and tip-toeing to her bed, I leaned over and kissed her head before sprinting out of her room and the house.

Knowing J, about every ten minutes, her turns in the bed closer to me. He'll notice I'm not there soon, so I had to be quick.

I called Ivy to tell her to meet me in one of my favorite diners before revving up my blue-chrome-plated motorbike.

Hell yeah, I had my baby back. Turns out that J stole it when he first kidnapped me right after us meeting. He gave it back to me when we got home after the plane crash, after I left Harley...

It was hard not to make a shit ton of noise when I left, but it's okay, they'll survive. J does all the time. I swear that guy will never die, and I love the fact that I notice that after I've tried to kill him.

The ride to the diner wasn't very far. Actually, it was about two miles from our mansion. Ivy was already sitting in a booth when I got there and she looked very sketchy.

Her tangerine-colored hair spilled out of the large, black sunhat she was wearing, and her matching black shades covered nearly half of her face.

I was internally cracking up because she was treating this as if it was a drug deal or something. I mean, it was illegal of course, but not a drug deal.

I tried to be as non-ominous as I could but it was a little difficult consider the fact that half of my hair was neon and I was wearing a large purple fur coat and thigh-high, pink, suede boots.

And then Ivy's over here looking shady as fuck, so that didn't make it any better.

I sat down in front of her and said hey to her. She didn't take her glasses and hat off still.

"Ivy, please," I said annoyed, removing the sunglasses and hat from her head, "nobody'll notice us."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I might as well be cautious," she stated in her sassy tone.

She was always a little sass master, ever since we became friends. That was when J and I were on a robbery trip and we ended up splitting to make the cop's jobs harder.

While I was running from the cops, I saw an open window on the third floor of an apartment building and stealthily climbed up the wall into the small home.

It was Ivy's, of course. She held a gun to my head when she saw me but then I eventually persuaded her to help me. Sometimes, sisters gotta look after each other.

"Did you make the plans?," I asked before taking a sip of the coffee that was there before I was.

Ivy looked at me like she was unsure of the plans we made, but she went along with it anyway. "Yeah," she sighed, "but your gonna have to steal a heli or plane."

"Piece of cake," I shrugged and sat back in the booth seat.

"But J's gonna wanna know where you are. You out of all people know that you two are attached at the hip," she said.

I looked at her like she was right, because she was, but I didn't want to tell her that. I frowned at the truth. Ivy staring at me intently didn't make it better either.

Actually... it did. It gave me the most simple idea of all. "Do you think he'll let me go alone if I tell him I'm getting pads and tampons?"

Ivy's eyes widened, "why didn't I think of that?"

Grinning, I said, "you're not the only smart one, Ivy.... you're so conceited."

She smirked at my remark.

"The only thing is," she said, getting back to our plan, "the museum is getting a shipment of new plants on Tuesday. After I get those and you get the ride, we'll leave."

I smiled deviously, "perfect!"


"J, I'm bleeding out of my vagina!," I shouted, "unless you'd like to come with me to get my pads, tampons, ice cream, movies, di-"

"Stop," he said, putting a hand up to stop me from saying anymore, "just, go get whatever you need. I don't want to here about this."

"You're the best," I grinned, kissing his cheek before running towards the door.

"I know," he said, waving carelessly at me.

I slammed the door behind me before my happy grin quickly morphed into a straight face. My fingers quickly tapped on the screen of my phone before I put it to my ear.

"Ivy," I said, mounting my motorbike, "let's do this."

Tugging onto my fur coat to keep me warm, I strapped on my matte black helmet, with the word 'TROUBLEMAKER' etched into the back, and drove off.

Fully knowing I would have to come back with all the things I told J I was getting, I decided to leave that until after our mission.

It didn't take long to reach Ivy's apartment and by the time I got there, she was already on the sidewalk waiting with her usual hat and shades on. I was cracking up but it's good she didn't hear me.

All I had to do was hand her a helmet and she automatically jumped on the back. It was time to go to the docks, that's where J does some of his business. That's where we decided to be together...

There was a strong wind being released from the spinning rotor blade of the helicopter.

A trusted worker of mine (and J's) was steering, but it's a good thing that I also knew how to steer a helicopter. After the plane crash, I decided it would be a great idea to learn to drive anything that flies. I taught myself.

"Hey, Duke," I grinned widely, "how ya doin'?"

The man's smirk was prominent, "do you even care?"

I sighed, still grinning. "No... you know me so well."

"So, we're we goin' today, boss?"

I laughed lowly, "somewhere special... Belle Reve Prison, Louisiana. I have a few friends to visit."

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