Faking It

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Everyone walked in behind Deadshot and I with caution. Well, that is everyone that came with Rick Flag, the crazies didn't care.

"It looks pretty empty to me," I scoffed, looking at Dick Flag, "don't think you'll need those just yet."

He looked at me with all seriousness and slowly lowered his gun again. I smirked and gave him a nod before focusing my attention on the floors of the building.

"What floor was it again, Dick?" I asked while still scanning all of the levels.

He didn't answer for a few seconds before saying, "twelfth. Why?"

"Awesome," I said, still not looking at any of the other members of the squad.

I knew exactly what I was gonna do. This place was empty right? Well, let's take this thing for a test run.

Pulling out the grappling hook from one of the many pockets inside my fur coat, I walked closer to the line of balconies going up and examined how stable the first couple of floors were.

There were a few cracks here and there, but it looked pretty stable to me. One wrong move and this whole building could come crashing down.

Pointing what was now my grappling hook to the third floor balcony, I shot the claw and it sturdily grabbed onto the balcony.

Finally looking at the other members of the squad, I finally got their attention by waving to them, "see ya up there, guys." I grinned wickedly before pulling the trigger once again.

The metal wire retreated back into gun the higher I went up which, honestly, made me look majestic as fuck.

I looked down at the crew but they weren't there. That's when I looked back up and to my left was Harley waving at me before one of those human-like blob thingies crashed into her elevator.

Aiming and shooting my regular gun, I missed because I reached the third floor. Grabbing onto the balcony, dangling over the edge, I quickly aimed at the seventh floor with the grappling hook, and shot.

The claw hooked onto that floor and this kept going until I finally reached the twelfth floor, where Harley and I reached at the same time.

We looked at one another and grinned while the other members looked at us a bit confused... or was it slight shock... I don't know.

"That was a good test run for this thing!," I exclaimed, explaining to the squad, but mostly Harley, "snatched this baby off of Knot Guy before he, y'know-" I cut myself off by taking my finger and swiping it across my neck and making a slicing sound with my mouth.

Harley grinned and we walked passed the squad who were just standing there while we talked about how I'd definitely let her borrow it sometime.

When I noticed they weren't moving, I looked a back with all seriousness and said, "aren't you comin'?" That definitely got them moving.

We all walked in a group to another room that seemed empty except for desks, chairs, and papers thrown all over the place.

Dick Flag got a message from his C.I.A. boss and he told us that those blob dudes were all around us.

"Really?" I asked, walking away from the group while staring directly at him, "then let's just get this over with, I'm beginning to fall asleep from lack of action."

"Wake-y, wake-y!" I shouted. In a matter of seconds, a whole shit ton of blob dudes dropped from the ceiling.

"Now for some more fun," I smirked, unsheathing my sword and swinging it around me, cutting, all the dudes surrounding me, in half.

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