Killin' It with Miss-fit

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After riding off into the sunset, I remembered that I had only eight-hundred-fifty dollars left in my purse.

This highway had to have a diner and motel along it somewhere.

Maybe the GPS on my phone knows. Pulling my bike over onto the side of the road, I whipped my phone out from my bag, swiping and tapping until my map app opened.

I quickly tapped in 'nearest diner' and routed myself to one that was only about a mile away. Fun.

For that entire mile, my stomach was grumbling way more than it should. Rolling up the the building, it looked like it was just transported here from the fifties.

Unlit pink and blue neon lights were prominent around the chrome and windowed building. I grabbed the keys from the ignition and twirled it around my finger while I strutted into the small joint.

When the bell jingled on the door, signaling my entrance, all heads turned; which happened to only be about seven.

"Menu, darling?" A kind, short, thin lady asked holding up a laminated paper.

I nodded in response and took a seat on one of the sparkly pink stools, beginning to examine the food choices.

Oh, they have chicken tenders here, I really like those with ranch. Heaven in my mouth.

"May I get an order of chicken tenders with ranch and a lemonade?" I asked to the lady that gave me the menu whom was currently writing an order.

"Sure, darlin'." She sighed and took the paper from me.

"Thanks," I sighed in response before taking out my phone to find a motel.

"Here's your lemonade, sweets," the lady put a cup in front of me and began to pour the sour drink.

"Thank you, Miss..." I looked at her named tag which said Darla, so I repeated it out loud, "Darla. A lovely name you have, ma'am."

She nodded her head, "thanks, darlin'. Yours?"

"Miss-fit. Nice meetin' ya."

"Misfit, huh?" Darla looked me up and down after finishing pouring, "beautiful."

"Thank you." I grinned sheepishly.


The next morning, I woke up on the right side of the bed because I was grinning so deviously that my eyes squinted until I could barely see.

I think it was just the thought of how many predators I'd get to kill today.

Maybe four or five. Oh! If I get lucky, ten!

I packed my bag, paid the concierge, and left to the nearest gas station. Gotta refuel my bike and my body.

A few miles down was the station, where I first got a donut and coffee. Fuel food.

I quickly scarfed that down and went back to my bike which, just so happened to be in the process of getting stolen.

Yay! I get to kill him now!

"Sir?" I tapped the man's shoulder until he turned around. "Hi, hello. I'm pretty sure this is my bike."

The bald headed freak towered over me with his hoodie up hands ready to fight, "really?" He began in an unbelievably deep voice, "well, I want it and you're going to give it to me, sweet cheeks." That was when things went downhill... for him at least.

His large hand came in contact with my larger butt with a slap. He chuckled cockily.

Before he could say anything else, I cupped his face with my hands and looked lovingly at him which threw him completely off.

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