Happily Never After

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J looked at me for a second in complete shock before a wide grin printed onto his face.

"Missy, Missy, Missy. Sweetheart, I just came to pick you up. I knew you could get rid of these people on your own." J grinned, rubbing my arms with his hands.

"I didn't get rid of Ozzy," I said simply, wondering how J would feel when I mentioned his old partner.

He looked at me with a straight face once again.

"As long as he's not dead," J grinned and kissed me and I kissed back, because why wouldn't I?

We hopped into the neon sports car and drove off, not really looking back.

"J, there's somethin' I gotta tell you," I began. I was going to tell him about breaking Harley out but that was when we both decided to notice the large, spray-painted pick up truck facing our car.

A huge grin plastered onto my face when I saw Ivy behind the wheel.

Harley popped up from the trunk with a speakerphone in her clutch and a grin that matched mine.

"Hey, Puddin'!" She shouted into the speakerphone, "we're here for our Missy!"

J looked at me with slightly widened eyes then back at Harls.

Leaning in, I gave him a quick goodbye kiss on the cheek and said, "it was fun while it lasted. But you're just no good."

I jumped out of the car and ran over to the truck that my girls were in.

But as soon as I got in the trunk with Harls, J got out of the car and came closer to ours.

"Harley, sweetheart," he said calmly, "come on. Let's leave together. You don't really want to be with them. I love you."

The girl in the red and black suit's eyes softened at her Puddin' wanting her back. "J, I missed you too." She said dreamily.

"Harls, no." I said to her.

"They kept us apart, Harley. Those girls kept you from me," he said rather convincingly.

"Harley, I swear to god," I said clearly pissed about J.

"Puddin'," she whispered.

I quickly pulled out my gun and shot J in leg with one swift motion. I didn't completely process my actions when I did this, but when that bullet pierced his skin and he dropped to the ground with a laugh, my heart sank.

"J," I whispered.

"Puddin'!" Harley shouted, hopping out from the trunk, running towards him.

"Missy, we gotta get out of here!," Ivy shouted from the driver's seat.

The faint sound of sirens blared as I tried to decide what to do, that was until I finally came to a conclusion.

Hopping out of the trunk, I ran over to Harls and grabbed her by the hand, dragging her to the trunk and sitting her inside.

"You are not going back the Belle Reve," I growled at her, before I told Ivy to go back to her greenhouse with Harley.

She revved the still running engine before driving off in the opposite direction of the sirens.

J was on the ground laughing maniacally when I told him to shut up.

"Get in the driver's seat, babe," I said, clearly not in the mood to laugh considering what I was about to do.

"If you have noticed," he said between laughs, "you shot me in my favorite leg."

I laughed sarcastically, "haha... get up."

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