Knowing Nothing

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*Three years later*

Three fucking years I've been in this shit hole eating nothing but chunks of a bunch of different foods mashed together.

It was disgusting.

There are moments where I wish I didn't turn myself in, but I guess it's better than having Joker knowing about our baby.

I know that serum from five years ago made me pretty crazy, but I think that being stuck in here made me fifty-times worse.

Sitting in the corner of my cage, I looked around at the guards that surrounded me.

They were just standing there with their backs towards me, which was so stupid.

Just the thought of them being shot in the back of the head made me giggle... Oh! What if they accidentally fell into a meat grinder! That would hilarious!

Going from a giggle, I bursted out laughing which definitely caught the guard's attention.

They were two men completely covered from head to toe in black gear. "What are you laughing about?" The one on the left asked with annoyance and a glare.

"Trust me, you don't want to know," I giggled again.

"No," He said with his full attention on me, "tell me."

He came closer to my cage with false curiosity.

"Well...," I giggled while extending the word, "I was just thinking about how when I get out of here-"

That made him chuckle deeply but I just ignored him.

"How I'm gonna take this bar," I said simply, pointing to one of the many bars keeping us apart, "and slowly and painfully push it all the way up your ass until it pops out of your head!" I said while making a popping sound afterwards and laughing a throaty laugh.

"Sweet cheeks," he said with complete humor, "you're never getting out of here, so, sorry to burst your bubble, but your little dream, it's never gonna happen." He smirked cockily and went back to his guarding position.

Shrugging, I slouched down on the floor and whispered, "just wait."

Hours passed of me climbing the bars of my cage and swinging from side to side. They even brought me a book! How sweet. Oh, and dinner was delicious, it was called The Block of Mystery Foods. My favorite.

Hours of insanity, hours of giggling, hours of banging my head against my cage bars, hours of nothing but plotting.

I needed to get out. I needed to kill.

Blood thirsty and angry was basically what I was. I just wanted to feel someone's bones crack within my clutches. Especially that guard's.

While I was dangling by my legs on the bars above me, the steel double doors slid open with a loud bang.

Catching my attention while I was still upside-down, I hopped down in the quickest way possible.

Straightening my legs, I let myself fall and with ease, I caught myself in a handstand which quickly turned into a bridge, and I brought my body up so that I was now standing.

"Buddy!" I grinned, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

The leader of the guards walked ahead of everyone and acknowledged me. "Sweet cheeks, now's not the time. We need to get you to the showers. Your starting to knock my guards out."

Grinning, I said, "really? A shower? Well, okay! But that means you're gonna have to come into my beautiful home and get me, right?"

He nodded and unlocked the two cage doors with his whole squad going in front of him.

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