Meeting Louis

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"Do you think he'll look different?" I hear Niall talking to Zayn. Well, trying to talk through the large sandwich he'd just taken a bite from, crumbs falling into his lap.

"Does it matter?" Zayn argues. "It'll still be Louis."

They're discussing the fact that Louis had just presented as Omega at the age of 24. Literally out of nowhere. We'd been forced to take a break from tour, a spokesperson telling the world what had happened because there's no way he'd be able to hide it. Well, I'm assuming he wouldn't. Omegas were obvious compared to Betas.

The weirdest bit is how straight Louis is. Male Omegas are meant to be gay, so they can have a male mate. How else would they take a knot? Thinking of Louis like that is weird. He likes football, has tattoos and a rude sense of humour. Completely un-Omega.

We're expecting Louis any moment, now he'd finished his heat. Again, something that confused the shit out of me.

"I hope he's still fun," Niall continues. "I like Louis having a laugh."

"He's still the same, Niall," Zayn looks up from his phone. "He still texts the same. He still swears in them, so he's the same."

At that moment the door gets pushed open, and a girl comes in, shorter brunette hair wild and looking so oddly pretty. Everyone else pays attention, but of course they are. She's very attractive. She looks a little out of place with a big sports jumper and loose jogging bottoms on, but still looks pretty, managing to look model worthy.

She blushes seeing us all. Why is she in here? This is a private session.

"Hi?" They say, and my stomach drops so hard, I feel like I'll faint. "What?"

Everyone reacts the same way. This is Louis. The girl is Louis.

He's lost every masculine quality about him. His hair is thicker and longer, curling around his ear, flicking up at the backs. His skin is so clear, no signs of freckles or anything. His eyelashes look darker and longer, framing his blue eyes, which look slightly bigger, more open. His cheeks are stained red from embarrassment, because everyone is looking at him. Lips pinker, fuller. His jaw line is slender, feminine, hairless. He's wearing his usual clothes, looking so large on him because he's shorter, he has to be shorter.

He looks completely different. I don't recognise him. Apart from to realise he's an Omega. He's such an Omega, it's screaming to the world.

It confuses me because if he was a girl, I'd have definitely gone for him, but I'm straight and I definitely don't want what's between his legs.

"Louis?" Zayn voices, asking what we've probably all thought.

"Are you wearing make up?" Liam asks him, sounding as confused as me. Louis frowns, but it doesn't look like Louis. It really doesn't.

"No, I'm not wearing make up, Liam," He snaps, tucking his hair around his ear. A nervous habit. That's new. But that sounds like Louis. "What the fuck?"

Ah, that's definitely Louis.

"Sorry," He blushes, throwing me off. Louis never apologises for being rude to people. He never cared before. "What do you mean?"

Liam actually stands up, followed by Niall and Zayn, all cocking their heads at the boy. My reaction exactly, except I've been told to stay away from Louis by management, so I stay back against this wall, watching.

"What are you doing?" He questions them, and when they reach him, it's so obvious he's smaller. A few inches. How odd.

"You look completely different." Niall tells him, Zayn nodding to agree.

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