Worried about Louis

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We continue our tour, me and Louis meeting up late at night just to sniff each other. It's so odd really but I'm so used to it. I look forward to doing it, but I know he does too.

We have a few scraps between Louis and other Alphas who have cornered him. Can't they tell he's mated and that he's mine? It's fucking annoying. Too many have had the chance to sniff. The chance to talk. The chance to even look.

I continue to have sex with Kendall, but like always I let Louis know before hand.

All in all, it's the weirdest mated set up I've ever seen in my life.

I'm standing with Kendall today, chatting about some photo shoot she did the day before.

"And she looked gorgeous," Kendall finishes, leaning against me. "How have you been?"

"Yeah fine," I smile. "I haven't done much."

At that moment, Louis walks past with Zayn, laughing wildly about something, chest fluttering because he's amused. Jesus, he's so pretty when he laughs, showing amazing white teeth.

"Harry," Kendall snaps, making me look at her. "I said good luck for the show."

"Oh, thanks." I duck in and kiss her gently, hoping she didn't notice me staring at Louis.

"I'll be back in a second," She smiles, kissing me again. "I just need the toilet."

I watch her go, sitting down to play on my phone instead. I text a few people, not doing much until she returns.

Feeling Louis' upset concerns me. Wasn't he just happy? It's completely the opposite, chest filled with upset.

"Hey," Kendall sounds happy, sitting down on my lap. "You miss me?"

She plants her lips on mine, effectively taking my mind off Louis.

After the gig, Kendall is waiting for me.

"Come on," She whines. "Come out to dinner, and let's see where the night takes us."

I so badly want to say no, to return to the hotel and bury my head in Louis' neck and never return. But I have to spend time with her too.

I decide to go to dinner, and hope that's it. That I could easily slip back. My chest burns for it like it does every second I'm away.

After dinner, I'm faced with the decision of turning Kendall down, or spending time to sniff Louis.

"Please," She pouts. "We don't have to do anything, just watch a film with me?"

I have to say yes. I have no excuse, she knew I had a day off tomorrow before our final day here in Iceland.

"Okay," I reply. "I just need the toilet."

I'm using the excuse to text Louis, because I know he's waiting for me, playing on his phone.

To: Louis
I'm not coming tonight. Staying with Kendall. H

I send it and I know he's heard his phone go off from his gentle wonder.

I instantly want to take it back, with how his stomach drops, his disbelief, his huge want, great upset and then fury.

It makes me feel so guilty, but he ignores my emotions, only getting angrier.

"Are you okay?" Kendall asks, clearly concerns by my drop in emotions.

"Yeah," I pretend I'm confused. "Why?"

"You're pale," She observes. "Come on, I'll get you back to my hotel, and we can watch a film."

Louis' fury takes a sudden turn, his ambition to leave the hotel makes me so nearly tell Kendall to take me there. What is he doing?

He doesn't care where he's going, he just wants to go. He knows I'm worried, completely ignoring me.

I have no idea where he is, but I feel his gentle burn of regret behind his anger. He's not safe.

Fuck. How can I do this when I'm with my girlfriend?!

Especially when his heart rate picks up like that. I actually go to tell Kendall to take me back, but Louis relaxes.

I need to calm down. I also need to see he's okay. I'm so confused.

"Here we are," Kendall says aloud, actually making me jump. "Come on."

He seems okay for now, and for a long time he's fine. He seems to just be talking, and that's better than being attacked or worse.

"Are you watching the film?" Kendall's obviously realised I'm not paying attention.

"I don't feel right," I say, lying. "Maybe I'm too tired."

She strokes at my hair, pushing me to lean back so I'm laying down.

"I can kiss you better," She grins. "If you want."

I hum.

"Okay." I smirk.

We make out gently, ignoring the film, but not ignoring Louis. I couldn't.

Not until he was safe.

We watch the rest of the film, and I relax when I know Louis is back at his hotel, because he feels safe.

Kendall takes me back to the hotel, but it's far too late to wake Louis. He struggled with sleep as it was. I decide I'll wait until tomorrow to sniff him. I struggle to sleep, so annoyed he was down the hall from me, but I couldn't sniff him.

Why did I go with her?

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