In heat with Louis

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Somethings not right waking up later.

"Harry," Someone chokes out, something wriggling in my arms, and instinctively hold them closer, because I'm comfortable. "Harry, Harry, Harry."

What's going on? My head is screaming with need and it's so confusing.

The voice whines loudly, and the warm person in my arms frantically tries to move.

"Harry," His voice is frantic, gasping. "Please wake up, you gotta go - gotta go."

I stretch, taking a natural deep breath to wake up, and the air gets punched straight back out of my lungs. Louis.

Holy shit. This smells too good. Too strong. Too inviting. It's burns to even breathe. I'm struggling to breathe. My cock is reacting too fast to it, body reacting angrily to his scent. My hands react to claw and I realise his skin is what I can feel, making me realise we were in the same compromising position as before. His heart is racing, need screaming in his head.

Is this heat?

I grit my teeth, realising how aroused he is, smelling how wet he is, completely sensing his need. This is heat, and I'd never smelt it before. All of my natural instincts are telling me to take it, but I also remember he told me to go. That I'm straight. That we shouldn't do this again.

"Holy shit," I say under my breath. "Oh shit."

I don't even know how, but I manage to pull back, head screaming at his strongly flushed cheeks, how attractive he looks right now, at how much of his scent is everywhere; not confined to his neck but everywhere. It's the sweat. He's just perspiring it out. His brown hair is dark from it already. The room feels so heavy, like I can barely sit up but I do. I've never felt this weak, like the gravity is greater.

There's some confusion behind his huge need, wondering how he didn't recognise the signs of his heat coming on.

I need to keep him safe. If I have to go, he has to stay safe. He's too beautiful, too inviting. The whole room smells of pure sexual need, punching into my chest every time I attempt to breathe.

"You lock the door behind me," I demand, ignoring his need to submit. "You let no one in, okay?"

"Yeah," He nods his head obediently, and I cock my head. His voice is full of his own need, and I can feel his utter desperation to please me. To do as he's told. It shouldn't be so hot. "I'll lock it behind you, won't let no one in."

He's relayed every word back, making my cock jump. I sniff in hard with my arousal, and I regret it as soon as I choke on his scent.

I get off the bed, mind spinning so fast. I need to go. I need to stay. He's so wet. I've had it before. He'll need a knot. How can I stay away when he needs me?

I reach the door, just holding the handle before I look back at him. His blue eyes flutter closed, too aroused. Too needy. He's too fucking inviting, too beautiful like this, and he's not even trying.

"You don't let no one in," I demand again. "You're mine. No one else sees you like this. Only me."

He gets aroused from my possessiveness, making my head hurt.

"Yeah," He nods, opening his eyes to show he's listening. "I won't let anyone in, I promise. And - and 'm yours. Only you get to see me like this. Only you."

It hurts from how tightly I'm holding the door handle.

"No one else gets to touch you. No one else gets to sniff you. No one else gets to bite you. It's all mine."

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