Knowing Louis

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Me and Louis avoid each other like the plague. That's the only way I can put it. During stage practice, during interviews, during anything.

The only thing I couldn't ignore was his thoughts and feelings. He hated me. I was enemy number one.

Good. I thought the same thing. This was all his fault.

Sitting after sound check one day, me and Liam are joking about this guy we'd saw slipping on a banana. It was so funny, because I never thought I'd see someone do that. Louis is sitting listening to music, trying to drown out the world, hating himself like he usually does nowadays.

I try not noticing how different he is now, but little things just jump out. Like how he'd usually sit. He'd have his legs wide open, just relaxing openly, but Louis doesn't do that anymore. Now he brings his feet on the chair, making himself look smaller than he already is.

Laughing at something Liam just said, I feel Louis jump and I'm turning to look before I can even stop myself.

He looks up to an unfamiliar woman, making him take out a headphone.

"Sorry," He apologises. "Yeah?"

"I need to talk to you privately, is that okay?" She asks. He frowns, confused.


He stands and he walks off to the side of the stage with her. What does she want?

She mentions something about being an Omega to him, because he gets the hate for it, not wanting to talk. He continues though, not wanting to be rude to her.

He gets confused talking to her, thinking about his body for some reason. What does she want?

He suddenly freezes because she's mentioned me, and he gets annoyed at it, not wanting to talk about how we're mated. It annoys me she's talking about me. Why doesn't she talk to me if she wants to know something?

"Stop saying that!" He snaps at her, before talking softer, apologising for his anger. What is she saying that's annoyed him?

They leave, making me wonder where they're going, but he wants me to ignore him. I wish I could.

I'm trying to ignore it all, but Liam is on the phone now, so I have nothing else to do.

Like how he feels apprehensive. Some relief. Patience. Confusion. Wonder. More confusion. How his heart drops out of no where. Self hate at his own body. Panic at his height.

I almost feel him telling me to piss off. It's private. I can't ignore it. I literally can't because I feel it all.

He continues to feel confusion, thinking about his body. He panics again, why is he panicking?

Huge shock thrills through me. What is happening? How can I ignore this?

Again he cuts me off. This is really private.

He's cold for some reason, and then his heart races. Not a normal excited race, a huge pick up in pace, massive anxiety thrilling through him.

This is different. He's scared, panicking. It's prolonged, and he can't calm down. It concerns me, I should probably see if he needs help. His fear of me finding him is enough that I don't. Anyone else but me. It should offend me, but I knew we weren't friends anymore.

But he's still panicking. He needs to go. He wants to go home.

He wants to hide, embarrassed at his Omega need. He's desperately trying to hide, fear huge in him. He's scared, he doesn't feel safe unless he hides. He's so unsafe.

This isn't right. He's in so much fear, having a panic attack, and I'm worried.

I feel how he can't breath, his pain from trying to do it letting me know he's hyperventilating.

"We need to find Louis," I voice loudly, panicking myself. "He's freaking out somewhere."

They all look bewildered, but jump up almost immediately, heading in different directions.

I can't find him, but someone does because I feel a gentle relief go through him, trust, and that lets me know it's Zayn.

His chest is burning. It's actually hurting me.

It gets better though, slowly but surely, and that's when me and the others find him and Zayn, Louis' fingers crushing into his shoulders, his face in Zayn's hands as he calms him down.

He's still a bit panicked, but I won't ask him what happened, and he's grateful even if he doesn't look at me.

"Okay," Zayn says. "Better?"

He nods, flushing because he's so embarrassed from this.

"What happened?" Liam asks, and he flinches, remembering what scared him.

"I - I don't wanna talk about it." He says, and I can sense he only wants to talk to Zayn. He's screaming it in his head.

"Okay," Liam sounds concerned. "How are you feeling now? Do you still want to perform?"

He really doesn't.

"Yeah," He lies, not wanting to let anyone down. "Just - I need to sit down."

"Okay," Liam says. "Come with us, you can sit down."

"No," I interrupt. "Leave him, come on you two."

They both look at me like I'm crazy, but only I know what Louis wants right now, apart from him.

"But-," Niall starts.

"He wants to be alone," I grumble, not really wanting to share that I know. "Just - come on."

We leave them, feeling Louis' thanks in my head.

"Why leave him with Zayn if he wanted to be alone?" Niall pouts.

I sigh angrily.

"He wanted Zayn, leave it." I snap.

We get to our chairs, and I try to ignore them. I hated that I could feel what he was feeling, I didn't want to be reminded of it.

He's talking to Zayn now, his anxiety of having to discuss it. His sarcasm at something Zayn said. Self hatred at being an Omega, his body. And then his worry at telling Zayn the worst part. I didn't even know what it was, but I feel his heart racing, his panic, before it stops.

He's amused. Zayn is making him feel better. How Zayn has joked about something, lightly offending him, amusing him more.

Then I see them run past, Louis trying to catch Zayn for something he's said.

"Get back here!" He shouts, running as hard as he could considering his shorter legs.

It amuses me, but then again, they always did. They had good banter, always playing, always fighting.

"Come on, Louise," Zayn calls over from where he is. "I thought you were going to get me. Or are your legs too small now?"

"Fucking stop that," Louis laughs, face completely lighting up from it. "I'm not that short."

"Yes, you are." Niall calls from his chair.

Louis quickly turns to look at the Irish lad.

"Don't you get involved!" He points, blushing because he knew he was being rude. "I'll have you know I'm still tall."

Zayn laughs loudly, making him annoyed.

"Yeah," He says. "5"5 is tall. For a girl."

He opens his mouth, chasing after him.

I was right about his height, he had shrunk.

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