Annoyed over Louis

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The thing is though, it becomes a thing. He's always looking at men now. If they caught his eye, he checked them out.

I don't even know why it was annoying me. Maybe because he was my Omega, and that he shouldn't be finding other men attractive. Only me.

"I'm having sex tonight," I tell him one day after sound check, making him blush. "Just to let you know."

He touches at his soft hair, obviously feeling awkward talking about sex with me.

"Okay," He avoids my eyes. "Thanks for letting me know."

I walk away from him, playing on my phone, still pretty annoyed over this Beta Louis had been looking at earlier. I was annoyed at being annoyed. I leave him to sleep, needing some fresh air before the gig.

I almost make it around the corner, but feeling his sharp intrigue makes me pause. The attraction.

I actually turn to look back, noticing a mousey haired Beta sitting next to flushed Louis. He's extremely attracted to this Beta, making my chest burn with possessiveness.

It gets worse though, with how his heart races noticing how muscular this Beta was, staring at his arms. He's confused by it, talking to him over something to do with sleep.

He loses his confusion when the man laughs, liking how he looks when he does it. He's decided he doesn't care if he's attracted to him.

I think he's decided he's gay.

He talks back, blushing and playing with his hair. He's wondering if he's attractive, borderline worrying over it.

Why am I so angry? He shouldn't be pretty for that man. He's mine, and he's pretty for me.

The Beta keeps complimenting for some reason, and I only know it because how Louis blushes, and how his chest fills each time. He's pleased.

He's mine. Why is he talking to that man? Why does he want to be attractive for someone else?

I should stop this, go up and tell that Beta to fuck off. To leave my mate to sleep peacefully. He needs the sleep, he looks so good doing it so he must need it.

The Beta frowns for some reason, and I watch as Louis stands to leave him. He's picked up on my anger, confused by it, but he's clever enough to know that he should leave.

The Beta watches him go, clearly attracted to my pretty Omega and I snap, walking forward. Louis has left the room, confused.

"Oi," I growl. "He's not a piece of meat."

The Beta flinches, looking back at me quickly.

"Sorry," He visibly shrinks under my gaze. "I didn't mean to-,"

"Yes you did," I snap. "He gets it enough as it is. All he wanted to do was sleep, and you've stopped him."

"I didn't mean to stop him," He chokes looking like he wants to run. "He was talking-,"

"Only because you wouldn't stop pestering the poor boy," I growl. "He's fucking pretty, yes, but you should've just walked away. Left him to sleep like he needed. People like you make me sick."

I storm off. He's mine. He's fucking mine.

Later, I pull a brunette girl at a bar, not caring who it is, desperately needing to fuck my anger out. She knows I'm an Alpha, clearly quite pleased she'd managed to pull someone like me. I think she's forgetting I stayed to talk to her, not the other way around.

"I need to fuck you hard." I say to her as I tug her dress over her head.

"Okay," She moans. "If you want."

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