Ignoring Louis

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I wish none of that happened now. We've gone back to ignoring each other, and it's been a whole week since I've smelt him.

It's been so awkward. We both enjoyed what happened but both being straight and having to fall to our mated need like that was so new and confusing.

I've never missed anything so badly in my life as I miss his scent. I couldn't succumb to it though. I just can't.

By the end of the week, I've noticed how irate and easy to anger I've been, and of how irritable and emotional Louis has become. All in all, it's embarrassing.

"Louis!" The stage manager calls over. "You're too far over again."

He's been off today, stumbling, mind elsewhere and he can't get it down. I feel how frustrated he is at himself, almost crying a few times. It's horrible knowing I was the reason for that.

"Sorry," The Omega calls back. "I just - I'll do it better next time."

He does the same thing again though, and he knew it.

"Louis, take a break," The stage manager calls over. "You keep doing it."

He rushes off the stage and I get the huge need to chase after him, to tell him he'll be okay. To sniff him until I suffocate. To let him do the same.

Zayn follows him anyway, leaving me behind to swallow my emotions down.

Well, try to. Louis starts crying hard, grief overwhelming me, and I have to stand here and wait for Zayn to look after him.

All Louis can think about is his need. It's so strong, shouting in my own head because I needed the same thing.

Either way, he falls asleep, and I feel so shit.

"What was wrong with Louis?" Liam asks Zayn as he returns.

Zayn shrugs.

"He wouldn't tell me," He says to him. "He only said he was 'so sad'. I thought maybe he needed sleep, and he is. Hopefully he'll be better when he wakes up."

He won't. It'll be worse. It's always worse.

Later, waiting to go on stage, Niall has gone to retrieve Louis from where he was sleeping, making the Omega jump wherever he was.

My whole body tightens when I feel an acute pain on his head and arm, knowing he'd fallen over, but I rein it back. I'm meant to be staying away.

I try ignoring it until they both join us, Louis dabbing at his forehead with a bit of tissue.

It's bleeding? How bad is it? I need to see it. I need to lick it.

Louis can sense my worry, but ignores it. He has to ignore it.

He throws the tissue away, and we head on stage to perform.

I can't stop worrying though, watching the Omega as he performs. He knows, blushing every now and then. I just need to check him over, to check his arm because I knew it was sore.

I follow him after the gig, getting into the lift with him. He barely noticed, he's far too tired.

When the doors close, he jumps seeing me, and when the lift goes up, I press the stop button. He knows why straight away.

"I need to see your arm," I explain anyway. "I can't let you go without seeing it."

He blushes. Just like before.


He shrugs out of his hoodie, his arm stinging. It feels sore, and I need to see it more now. I hate anything that hurts him. Seeing it makes it worse, it's very red, bleeding a little.

"I have to lick it." I say and he nods, expecting it.

It's so odd but we've been intimate, yet this feels more personal. My need to look after him.

He lets me take his arm and lick it. He reacts like before, hissing in pain. I hate it when I hurt him, but I need to do this more.

The worse bit about this is how close he is, I can smell him but we're not okay to sniff each other. It upsets me, but I continue. Louis is the same, his need growing, only making mine worse.

"And your head," I ask. "Let me see."

He stands closer, looking up, and blushing because he's close. We did what we did, and it's still embarrassing.

I move his soft hair, licking at his forehead until I think it's better. His scent is just creeping up at me, and I can't surrender to it. I can't.

I stop and move away, pressing the button for the lift to continue, desperate to get away now I'd had a taste of it.

I can't however ignore how he's struggling not to cry. His head is screaming need, need, need, making me crave it so much worse.

Fuck it.

I press the stop button again, moving quick to pull him in, shoving my face straight into his neck. He lets out a sob, tip toeing and sniffing sharply at me. He holds on tight, his thoughts screaming that he doesn't want me to change my mind.

He's crying so hard into me, and it's all relief. He's upset that we'd stopped this. He needed it so badly, it hurt.

"Don't cry," I beg, voice hurt. "Please don't."

I can understand though. Sniffing at his scent is like seeing the sun after years of being captive, it's too good.

He's thinking along the same lines, and I dip my nose just slightly into his tshirt to try and sniff as close to our mark as possible, finding relief at its strength here.

He cries and cries into my neck, and I hold him throughout. I can't be angry at him for needing this so badly. I had, too.

His thoughts are centred on it, telling me it's soothing him, that my scent is relaxing, and it makes me feel better than I can do something to stop him crying.

I hold him until he stops, and I know I can't go another week without this.

"We still do this everyday," I demand. It's mine. I want it. "Nothing else. Just this."

He agrees in his head, and I notice it's all he wanted. I'd been panicking that he'd be gay for me after what we did.

"Just this." He yawns.

He's exhausted, and I'd forgotten that he'd nearly been asleep before this rendezvous.

I pull away from him, continuing the lift and I leave him at his room to second we get there.

All I want is his scent, and it was to stay that way.

Louis has picked up on that I won't talk to him, but he thinks it's worth it.

I agree.

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