Confused With Louis (Louis POV)

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This is an OLD chapter, rewritten from Louis' POV.


"And it's been ages, you know?" I say to Zayn. "Like forever."

Zayn hums, mostly halfheartedly, but it does nothing to dampen my mood. I've woke up feeling pretty good today. It's the first day since I went Omega that I didn't want to break the mirror when I brushed my teeth.

"It's beautiful here."

"Yep." Zayn replies, walking alongside me on our way to the backstage of this arena.

"The airport still looks stunning," I say. "Like, so clean. And the place smells nice. And-,"

I trip on my foot, nearly falling on my face if it wasn't for Zayn gripping my bicep to prevent it. I bring myself back up to stand, face going warm.

I wish this whole Omega thing hadn't made me so clumsy all the time. Or given me unsightly womanly hips...

"Hurry up," Zayns brings me back to the room. "The guys are already here."

"Yeah." I nod as he lets go, turning a corner.

Wow. This room is huge! Sweden has it so lovely here. I've never really understood before why back stages have always been so dark, but it isn't here. It's light and bright, shades of white and grey, furniture all IKEA-esque, right down to the little furry carpets. A part of me is itching to get on my knees and run my fingers through them.

But that would be weird, right?

It's all so beautiful, though!

"Don't you love Sweden?" I ask Zayn. "It's so pretty, like insanely pretty. And it's cold. I don't like the cold. I need a jumper. I like jumpers cause they're warm. Zayn. Zayn? Are you listening to me?"

Zayn whirls around slowly, rolling his eyes, his whole body the picture of exasperation as he flops his arms to his sides.

"Louis," Zayn sighs loudly. "You've been like this all day. Please stop."

Why is he losing his patience with me? What have I done?

"Doing what?" I reply, feeling confused. "I've done nothing. Just talking. I like talking to you. You're a nice talker. Did you know that? And a good listener."

Zayn turns more, bringing his hands up to my face in a warm yet firm hold, looking at my face.

"Louis. You don't need to say everything in one sentence."

His hands, though.

"Your hands are warm," I smile. "I like being warm. Do you use moisturiser? Cause your hands are really soft. Like silk. I like silk. It's very smooth, like milkshake."

Just like that, I sense Harry's amusement at the same time I smell him. I turn to grin at him, which should be weird considering I didn't know exactly where he was. I can only assume that it's a mating this. He returns the smile, even with Kendall sitting at his side in one of those squishy desk type chairs.

She'd probably kick off if I asked Harry if I can sniff him right now. I'd understand that.

Niall and Liam are also here, which is probably rude of me to only just notice. It's become a thing; Harry always first, everyone last.

"I give up," Zayn groans, looking at the guys. "I've heard his life story today."

Oh, yeah. Sweden. Heart eyes.

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