Perfect Louis

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Three days later, Louis' finally asleep after talking for an hour after knotting.

I've never had so much sex, and it was all really good sex too.

I briefly text on my phone, answering texts from my mother, calling her to discuss Louis. She was happy that I'd finally realised I'd been fighting getting with Louis properly. Before I realise, we'd been talking for an hour, and she hangs up to go shopping.

I shower, drying my hair, and then watch some television. Louis could sleep through anything. He barely moved, staying in his ball unless I was holding him, to which he held me tightly, his face in my neck.

I wouldn't have it any different.

Realising I've run out of food, I walk out of the room to ring Zayn.


"Hey I need more food." I say.

"Seriously?" He laughs. "I'm sure I bought you enough for a week!"

"Well I ate all of that," I reply. "I'm really hungry."

"So you're still both okay then?" He asks. "You're not going to fight it anymore?"

I think about how beautiful Louis looks, how badly I'll always want him. I can feel it now.

"Yeah it's okay," I reply honestly. "I know it's okay now."

"Is that from how often you're having sex? Or is it just sex with Louis?"

I laugh, getting goosebumps from thinking about knotting.

"You will never have any idea how good it is," I say, chest burning with the remembrance of how good he feels, his face as he takes me, his sounds. "It's so fucking good. Perfect."

Fuck I'm getting hard thinking about it.

"I'm a bit grossed out," Zayn says.

"Well don't mention it if you don't want to talk about it." I grin.

I'm trying to ignore my own erection. What are you doing?

"Well I didn't think you would actually talk about it with me, Harry." He snaps.

"I didn't put any detail into it," I laugh. "If you want detail I can-,"

Pleasure rushes through my body, making my head snap back to the door I'd come from.

Of course I'm hard. He's awake and needy, and I hadn't realised because I was already talking about sex.

I swallow hard, he's fingering himself, wondering where I am because it's not enough.

"Harry?" Zayn tries to get my attention.

"Gotta go."

I hang up, placing my phone down and walking back into the room. I feel like an Omega with how I could drop to my knees at the sight of Louis with his little fingers inside himself, cheeks burning, hair fucked and skin sweaty.

If I thought I was hard before, I was severely mistaken.

"Oh, Louis," I say from where I am, watching as his toes curl into the sheets. "Why didn't you wait?"

He chokes, looking frantically until he sees me at the door, gasping because he needs me so badly.

"Please," He whines. "Need more. Need you."

I walk over to the bed, head cocked, his head screaming from how attractive he finds me. His little fingers are still buried so deep, but his head is full of need for me instead. He doesn't want to be empty.

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