Smelling Louis

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One day after a gig, we're stopped outside the venue by fans, asking for pictures and signatures.

We do, and I watch as Louis gets complimented by some younger girls, telling him he's pretty. He likes it, more willing to believe them because they're Betas.

They take pictures with him, making him laugh and it's all real, some actual amusement for the first time in ages. It was nice.

"Harry!" One of the girls call over. "Can we get a picture?"

I like my fans, especially ones who are polite. It makes me smile.

Louis watches them take photos of me, some intrigue behind it, gentle envy, hating his own looks like he always does. Didn't the girls just say he was pretty? He believed them. Was he jealous of me?

"Louis?" One girl calls but he's in his own world, playing with his hair, thinking about his body.

"Louis!" Another one shouts louder, actually managing to get his attention, making him blush.

How can he not think he's pretty?

"Oh, sorry," He gently replies. "Yeah?"

"Can we get a picture of you both? I want to prove to my friends you were both here, not at different times."

I feel Louis' anxiety at the same time I get my own. We couldn't say no, but this would be the first time we'd be touching each other since we mated. We couldn't just stand there, old pictures of us have us with arms hugging. Hands on shoulders. Simple friendly gestures but now I'd have to touch my mate.

He's thinking the same thing. How close we'd have to stand next to each other.

I put on a pretend smile, gesturing Louis to walk up to me, and he forces a smile too. Both aware we're completely fake in this moment.

He's aware of how small he is, wondering where to put his hand. He'd look weird if he tried to put his arm around my neck, too stretched out.

He puts his hand around my waist, so barely touching but it feels too intimate, making me feel anxious.

I place my hand on his shoulder, mind screaming when he panics at my hand being directly over where I'd mated him. He's scared I'd touch it, that we'd get the feeling we feel when he touches it.

I want to move my hand, but I'm sure one of the girls will notice.

"No, closer," One of the girls say, and my annoyance matches Louis'. "I can't fit you both in."

I take a step into him at the same time he does, our sides meeting. We both want to move but we don't. It would be too obvious.

They start taking pictures and I'm immediately aware of his scent, and what throws me off is the huge urge I get to just turn and shove my face in his neck. It's so close. I could just do it.

I don't know what to do when Louis starts thinking the same thing. He needs to do the same thing. Is this because we're mated?

My heart is racing, trying to hard not to just do it. I can't. Not with these girls here. And wouldn't it be weird?

"Thanks," They reply. "See you!"

They leave us and I'm aware how we're still touching, unable to separate. We want to in our minds, but our bodies aren't doing it.

"Let go." I say.

"I can't," His voice is low. "You let go."

"I would've if I could," I reply, voice deeper than usual. "I'm trying."

We should just do it. If we sniff then hopefully that'll be enough. He feels the way my fingers dig into my shoulder from my thoughts, because he's thinking the same thing. We should just do it.

We react at the same time, me tugging him into my chest, forcing my face into his neck, him standing on tip toes to sniff behind my ear.

"Oh, wow." He breathes. He really likes it.

"Fucking hell." I rasp, agreeing, pulling in tightly. It's so good.

Our pleasure at each other's scents is too strong, and we realise at the same time we shouldn't have done this.

We're holding each other too tightly, his hands now in my long hair, my arms around his entire top half. It's too intimate, but entirely necessary.

It's not like before we mated. It's stronger. Pulling me in. Magnetising. Better. I can smell it better. It's so good, too good. I can't pull away. I don't want to.

"Fuck," I panic. "I can't stop."

"What's going on?" He matches my anxiety, but we can't stop breathing each other in.

It's extremely pleasurable, his scent is so potent this close and I'd never smelt anything so good.

He's thinking the same thing. He really likes my scent.

It's getting harder and harder to breathe properly, and I hate that I'm becoming aroused from it. Weirdly from how small he is, engulfed so easily in my arms, how he has to tiptoe to do this right now.

We're both struggling because we're both straight, and here we are, faces pressed to each other's necks, desperately holding on.

"Guys," A voice says behind us, and it makes Louis jump. I panic, holding tighter because I need to have this. It's mine. "Are you okay?"

It's Niall, and he sounds confused. I would be too, if I was being honest.

"I don't know," I reply for us, knowing Louis is embarrassed at our reaction. "I can't let go."

"Okay," Niall still sounds confused. "You want me to help?"

No. He's mine.

"Yeah, take him." I ask though, and I feel Niall gently coaxing Louis away.

Whatever he does, it pulls us out of whatever was going on between us, and I watch how Louis blushes hard at seeing my face. He's so shocked at what we had done, confused at why we needed that so badly. That we would still be okay to continue if Niall let go of him and he fell back into my arms.

Is this because we're mated? I knew about scent sharing and the need, and clearly Louis didn't, but I never knew it would be that bad.

We'd never had chance to sniff each other that closely since, and now it's all I can think about. How empty my lungs feel without it. How I need it more than ever now I don't have it.

It's severely confusing me. I've never needed something so badly. He feels exactly the same. I shouldn't want this, to be that close to him.

"Come on, Louis," Niall is still pulling him. "Let's just get to the hotel, yeah?"

I can't take my eyes off him as he walks backwards, nearly completely oblivious to Niall as he stares back. I need him to come back, and it's so new. So weird.

"Louis." Niall says with a little more authority and Louis drops his head on instinct, letting Niall pull him away.

He's so confused as he's dragged away from me. He really liked that, and like me, it worried him.

How could I have a reaction to a man's scent? He's definitely a man.

Isn't he?

I mean with the way he's walking, hips naturally swaying, body tight and curvy, hair messy and flicking up at the back, he definitely doesn't look like a man. Not at all.

I feel his confusion as they talk about it, his worry about needing it and how he's thinking about it.

I am too. And I can't stop either.

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