Confused with Louis

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"So being mated to Louis," Kendall chats, making me feel weird. "Does it make you any closer?"

I shrug.

"We don't talk any different," I smile. "I guess the closest thing we do is-,"

I can't talk to her about his scent. I cut myself off, but she's already looking at me.

"Right, so remember that it's weird, but I can't help it," I start. "We have to scent share."

She frowns.

"Scent share?"

"I need to sniff him, he needs to sniff me." I admit.

"Sniff him? Where?" She sounds confused.

"His neck," I sigh, feeling the need for it now. "I just - I need his scent. All the time. It's the mating thing."

She doesn't say anything for a second.

"And he needs to sniff you?" She frowns.

"Yeah, mostly under my ear," I point to where he does it. "It's a weird need, but I literally can't stay away."

She hums to herself.

I suppose she wants me to turn around and say she smells better, but she really doesn't. Nothing compares.

"Hurry up," Zayns voice says nearby. "The guys are already here."

Zayn walks in with Louis, who was very excited, his heart racing overtime. How odd. He looks amazing as always, tight clothes and girly hair, his cheeks lightly flushed.

"Don't you love Sweden?" He asks Zayn. "It's so pretty, like insanely pretty. And it's cold. I don't like the cold. I need a jumper. I like jumpers cause they're warm. Zayn. Zayn? Are you listening to me?"

He is very excited. How cute. It's all over Sweden.

"Louis," Zayn sighs loudly. "You've been like this all day. Please stop."

"Doing what?" Louis replies, looking and feeling confused. "I've done nothing. Just talking. I like talking to you. You're a nice talker. Did you know that? And a good listener."

Zayn turns, holding Louis' pretty face in his hands.

"Louis," Zayn stares. "You don't need to say everything in one sentence."

"Your hands are warm," Louis smiles. "I like being warm. Do you use moisturiser? Cause your hands are really soft. Like silk. I like silk. It's very smooth, like milkshake."

He's so cute. How haven't I noticed before? I can feel every thought before he's said it, and it just falls from his mouth. And how well his face lights up when he smiles. He turns to grin at me, clearly sensing my amusement and I return it. How can Zayn stand so close and not shove his face in Louis' neck? Oh right, he's Beta. He can't smell it.

"I give up," Zayn groans. "I've heard his life story today."

"I'm - I'm just excited," Louis smiles. "I can't calm down."

"Just sit down over there," Zayn points to a chair opposite me and Kendall. "And try."

He huffs, annoyed at Zayn for stopping him. He sits and I watch as he attempts to calm down but failing, fidgeting around. It makes me laugh, and he turns to smile because of my amused thoughts of him.

He's asleep five minutes later, and in a small ball in the chair. I have no idea how he does it.

"He's pretty, isn't he?" Kendall asks me, leaning against my side.

Accidentally Mated (Larry Stylinson) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now