Helping Louis

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We stay away from each other from then on. We fall into a pattern of ignoring each other, just touring with the guys. It's not great. I miss the old Louis. When we were just friends. It was easier then.

I ring him now before I have sex, to politely let him know. He always responds with an 'okay', and then for however long it takes me to release, I'm forced into dual pleasure with him. To feel him come when he does, so harshly feeling it myself. To feel him thinking about his wetness. To come so hard at the end like I always do now.

He hasn't argued since, being overly submissive about the whole thing. He's decided if I need it he can't stop me.

He hadn't pulled a girl since then, not even thinking about sex other than when he had to touch himself when I fucked.

He's always so tired, though. I've noticed it and it makes me wonder if it's my fault. He's nearly sleeping after sound check, and on the way back from gigs.

We're in Belgium this week, and I wake up late, panicking because I'd forgotten my alarm after having sex last night. I'd been too tired after, exhausted from it. I didn't want to notice it, but Louis came four times from how long I was going at it, falling asleep instantly.

I rush to dress, ignoring showering and deciding I'd do it after the show later. I'm picked up and I watch the city as we go. I'm in my own little world, loving how beautiful it is here.

I suddenly get a huge wave of pleasure from my neck, forcing me out back to the world before I feel Louis' pain in his hand and wrist. It's constant, overbearing.

He's in trouble. I should be shocked that he would ask me for help, and that he needed to press his mark to do that.

I'm concerned immediately. It has to be an Alpha. Why else would he ask for me?

He's panicking, he really needs help.

"Quick," I say to the driver. "I need to get there now."

"I'm going as quick as I can." He responds.

"My mate is in trouble," I find myself growling. "If he's hurt or worse, I don't know what I'll do."

I can almost smell his fear, and he steps on the pedal.

We get there, Louis' panic only increasing. What if I don't get there in time?

Again, I feel the sharp pleasure down my neck, dropping straight to my groin. His other hand is in pain, almost unbearably.

I won't make it. He'll be raped.

I'm rushing, running around corners to where I know we should meet. I'm almost there.

He suddenly feels violated, panicking. I won't make it. The Alpha is touching him. He has to be. Why else would Louis feel like this?

It gets worse.

I actually hear him cry out from fear, meaning I was close.

"I don't want you to - please, stop! Please!"

And there he is, against the wall, the Alpha touching his bare stomach, one of Louis' hands pressed above him into the wall.

All I can think is how Louis shouldn't be being touched. How badly I want to hurt this Alpha right now. It makes me furious. He's technically mine, and this is another Alpha.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I growl, and Louis' relief is so sharp. I can't believe he trusts me, but I'm so glad for it. He completely believes he's safe.

The Alpha immediately whirls around, sensing the challenge, letting Louis go to rise to it. My fury increases.

"Oh," He sounds amused. "Nice to see you could make it. I'm assuming he's yours."

Yes, he's mine. Fucking move. I'm thrown off by own possessiveness, but I need to protect him. He's mine.

"Yes," I confirm aloud to this Alpha. "So get the fuck away from him."

He doesn't move though, liking my challenge.

"You're an idiot for leaving him for five seconds, you know that?" He says.

"Move." I ignore him.

"I bet you do this all the time," He says. "He's too pretty for you to leave him alone. You made it this time, but what about the others. You'll find him knot into the wall."

Fury rushes through me. Why would he say that word in front of Louis? Did he say that when I wasn't here? No wonder he was panicking.

"I said back the fuck off," I growl, moving quickly to get in his face. "If you say that word again, you'll regret it."

The air is tinged with the promise of a fight again. Just like outside the studio in London. Just like on the plane.

"It's true though," The Alpha continues, and I get angry from him not submitting like he should. "If you want to be the only one, you have to keep him right under your arm."

I haven't knot Louis. We never would. He's annoying me from telling me what to do though.

"Don't tell me what to do with my mate," I snap at him. "I told you to leave, and I'm being nice enough that I'm offering you to just walk away. Even after I saw you holding my mate against his will to the wall. So just walk away, or I won't stay so calm."

I'm hiding my fury well, so close to punching him in the face. I can feel Louis' heart racing from it, feeling odd about his own reaction to my anger.

The Alpha clearly senses it though, actually moving away, and Louis' body relaxes. He's relieved that we didn't fight.

I glare at the Alphas back until I know he's out of sight before looking back at Louis. I get a huge urge to rush over, to check his arms, to know he's better but it's weird. I ignore it.

"Are you okay?" I ask, instead looking him up and down to check.

"Yeah, better now thanks," He blushes, clearly embarrassed at needing me. "Sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" I ask, confused.

He tucks his hair behind his ear, blaming himself internally. He's confused I'm even asking.

It upsets me, he still feels like this? I should've said something.

"You never asked for any of it," I quickly tell him. "This. Us. I'm sorry for making you feel that way."

He tucks his hair back again, clearly a nervous thing he did now as an Omega. It's cute, but I shouldn't think that.

"Oh," He replies, frowning. "Okay."

He's confused though, not believing me.

"Why don't you believe me?" I ask, confused and upset that he didn't believe me. I guess I asked for that.

"He said the same thing," He gestures to where the Alpha had gone to. "So yeah. I thought it was."

"How can you think what he was doing was your fault?" I frown, crossing my arms.

He's about to answer, but Niall is shouting over to us, waving a bag of burgers he has, one half in his mouth.

I watch as Louis takes huge breath, composing himself. Trying to look like he hadn't just been manhandled and violated by a stranger. I feel his shame of being an Omega, something he feels everyday, but meaning so much more now. He brushes himself down, pushing his hair back and sends Niall a fake smile back.

"Thanks." He says shyly, before walking to meet Niall.

I'm confused because he's not happy, but Niall's grin says that Louis is smiling at him. I decide I'm not going to let any other Alpha touch him in this moment. He's mine, so that counts for something.

I meet up with them, pretending like nothing happened, watching as Louis struggles to eat his burger, because he naturally couldn't eat much from being an Omega. He eats three quarters of one.

I however eat six. I could eat forever.

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