Did you just check him out, Louis?

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I hadn't talked to Kendall for a week after our fight and finding out about her being nasty to Louis, so seeing her name appear on my phone one morning was enough to surprise me.

I forgot to call her that night, and I'm only just realising I never got to argue with her over it. Anger thrills through me, and I answer.


"Hello?" She sounds confused. "You haven't rung me in a week, and all you can say is 'Hello'?"

"Oh, I've been pretty busy consoling my mate," I keep my voice calm even if I want to shout at her. "He's been quite upset."

"And so have I," She replies. "My boyfriend hasn't rung me in a week."

I take in a breath to calm myself down.

"And you haven't realised why?" I calmly ask.

"I assumed you'd been fucking him." She spits.

The assumption makes me furious.

"I'm not fucking gay!"

"He's an Omega," She growls. "It isn't gay!"

"Fuck you," I growl. "I know what you said to him. You know he fucking lied to me to protect you?"

"Said what?" She tries to sound nonchalant but I know my anger is affecting her.

"Telling him he's ugly, you told him he-,"

"He's lying," She cuts me off. "He's jealous of-,"

"I know the difference between Louis lying and telling the truth, Kendall!" I shout at her through the phone. "I know, so don't lie to me!"

Louis is confused about my anger, but he ignores it, giving me some privacy.

"Fine!" She spits. "I told him to back off! You're mine, not his."

"You know that's not true!" I argue. "I'm his whether you like it or not!"

"How the hell are we meant to be together if it's always about Louis, Harry!" She shrieks. "You said you wanted me, and that it meant nothing with him, so what's fucking changed?!"

"The fact you told him he's ugly, the fact he cried over it for a solid hour," I shout. "How easily he fucking believed you. He thinks no girl wants him! And that's your fault."

"He doesn't even like girls," She shouts at me. "He freaked out when I pointed it out. Stuttering over it, telling me he did. How can a male Omega be straight?!"

"It has nothing to do with you!" I growl. "Louis has nothing to do with you. What he does is up to him. Whether he's straight or not has nothing to do with you!"

"It does when he looks the way he does!" She argues back. "I've never seen anyone as pretty, as gorgeous as him, and he's yours. He belongs to you, and knowing that I don't stand a chance if you even so much as think you want him, it's scary. I was scared!"

"It doesn't give you the reason to be horrible to him!" I shout. "We're done. I - I'm so fucking angry at you. He's mine, and he cried so hard!"

"He's pathetic!" She spits back. "I'm surprised he didn't come running to you the first time."

My whole body wracks with fury.

"There's been more than one time you've done this?!" I shout.

"Only twice," She replies. "That night we watched that film, I did that day."

Accidentally Mated (Larry Stylinson) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now