Caring for Louis

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Showering and getting dressed the next day, I'm constantly aware of a pain in Louis' arm as he does the same. He doesn't seem worried about it, but I'm thrown off by how much I am.

How I needed to check. I needed to see he was okay. Even to hear him tell me would be enough. This was strange.

I try to ignore it, coming out of my room and heading to sound check. I rush to the lift doors as they start closing, pushing my arm in to stop them.

Someone steps back when I get in, and I feel as Louis flinches before I see him. The lift doors are closing before I can even get out.

But that leaves us close together and again, all I can smell is him. Will this ever let up? Will I just wake up one day and think, 'yeah, that scent is okay... I guess'.

Not 'I want to suffocate on your scent from how good it smells'.

He moves a little, and all of my attention is taken by the pain in his arm again. I have to ask, I can't leave it.

"You hurt your arm?" I ask, watching as he blushes for some reason. He blushed a lot.

"Yeah, I just - I fell asleep," He explains, confusing me. "On the floor."

Oh. Why would he do that?

I need to see it though, the need is becoming too great. I hit the emergency stop button, not thinking about it.

"What are you-?" He starts, confused.

"Show me your arm." I demand.

I really need to see it. It's all I can think about, and he picks up on it, his heart racing.

He starts to pull off his jacket, and he shows me his elbow, bleeding and sore. I get a huge urge to lick it, and it's the weirdest thing I've ever thought to myself. I'm walking up to him before I can stop myself though, choking on his gorgeous scent.

"It looks so sore," I say mostly to myself before addressing him. "Don't be weirded out, but I need to lick it."

He's confused, but I can't take my eyes off his wound.

"Why?" He asks.

"I don't know," I admit, definitely confused by my own need. "I just do."

His breathing isn't normal, clearly affected by it.

"Okay, just - just do it quickly." He rushes.

We're two straight guys in a lift, one about to lick the other. How odd.

I bend down, pulling his arm slightly up to me, and then I lick it.

He hisses, because I hurt him. It pains me more than I like to admit, because I was the one hurting him. The more I do it though, the less it hurts him, and he slowly becomes confused from how much he likes being looked after. By me.

I stop and pull away to look at it. It actually looks better, and it pleases me.

"That's better," I say, voice deep. "It looks less angry now."

I need to pull away, but I'm glued from his scent. From how I'd just looked after him.

I could just sniff him, he's so close. He's slowly thinking the same thing. But what if we can't pull away from each other like last time?

I want it too badly. What is this?

Again, like before, we react at almost the same time, me pulling him in to press my face into his neck, him tiptoeing to sniff behind my ear, his small hands on my shoulders for leverage.

Upon sniffing him, I can't help but hold tighter, my fingers digging into his back at the relief. It's so fucking good. He takes in a huge breath, moving his hands up to behind my neck, deciding he likes it so badly, he wants to stay here.

I'd been thinking about this too often, and it's nothing compared to what I remember. It's amazing. So lovely. I'd even tried talking myself into thinking it wasn't even good, but here it was better than ever.

His scent is exactly as potent as last time. I want to choke on it. I've never needed something so badly as this right now.

I take another huge breath, my nose actually pressed right into the area, and I struggle not to moan. It's too good.

I'm getting aroused from it, and it scares me. I can't be getting aroused right now. Not here. Not over this.

"We have to go," I say, voice tight. "Sound check."

He nods, his face still pressed to my neck.

"I'll let go," I say to him. "You just - you let go too."

"'Kay." He says quietly.

He does and do I, and we both take a step back into the opposite walls. We're equally confused about how we let ourselves be like that again.

How often would this happen?

I press the lift button and we descend, neither of us talking about what just happened.

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