I'd Love To Forget You

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Aurora's POV:

I was on the couch, watching Netflix when I was disturbed by my phone going off. I pause the show and grab it off of the coffee table, flipping it over and turning it on.

It was a text from Brendon.

An awfully weird text from Brendon.

Brendon: Hey, Juliet. Sorry, you can't come over tonight. My girlfriend will be home, but she'll be out of town soon. Going to like China or whatever, who cares? Anyway, sorry I had to change the plans. Love you! 💘

I proceeded to read the text over and over again, afraid that I missed something. Maybe he wasn't cheating. Maybe... there's seriously no explanation that could possibly make sense.

I felt something wet fall onto my shoulder. A tear. Next to the message it read, sent at 5:06. It was almost 7, now. I've been crying and analyzing this text for almost two hours.

I got off of the couch and put my phone down. I walked into our bedroom and took the suitcase out from under the bed I used to share with Brendon, the one he's been sharing with Juliet.

I quickly took all of my clothes and belongings out of our bedroom and the bathroom and packed them into the bag.

By the time I was finished, there was a knock at the door. I quickly rushed to it, expecting it to be Brendon. I was surprised when I saw... no way.

Juliet Simms.


"About time I met Brendon's little slut.", I said.

She furrowed an eyebrow.

"About time you left him.", she said, referencing the suitcase in my hand.

"I know, right?"

I pushed by her to get to the door.

"He only loves you for your body, you know.", I notified.

"Funny how he said the same about you."

My eyes widened, I just shook it off. She was probably lying. Either way, though, I'm leaving. It wouldn't matter.

As I was walking outside, I saw Brendon's car pull up. I threw my suitcase in the backseat of my car and walked over to him.

"Baby, where are you going?", Brendon asked.

"I don't know. Patrick's, probably. It's okay, Juliet will keep you company.", I assured him.

His eyes widened and he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"What do you mean Jul-"

And before he could finish his sentence, she came walked out of the front door.

She walked over to him and wrapped her arm around his lower, lower torso.

I scoffed.

"That's what I mean."

He pushed her off of him, stepping forward and grabbing my forearm.

I laughed, looking away as the tears spilled out from my eyes, shaking my head.

"What's funny?", he asked.

"I trusted you. Like, I actually thought you loved me. We're fucking over, you douchebag."

I struggled to free myself from his grip.

"Please, baby. I can explain."

"Do it then!", I challenged, "Explain how you haven't been cheating on me!"

"Brenny, I'm gonna wait inside... I'll get into the little thing you bought me.", she winked.

I nearly threw up.

"If I could punch you right now, I totally would.", I said.

"I screwed up. One time. You're gonna leave me?", he defended.

"Why are you playing the victim? You cheated on me, now you're buying things for that whore. Really? You want to do this now? Just let me leave.", I contrasted.

"Now, why would I do that?", Brendon asked.

"Because I'm asking you to. Because your sex doll is waiting inside for you. Because I hate you. Because I don't trust you. Shall I go on?"

He let go.

"What could I do to make you forgive me?", Brendon attempted to reason.

"Let me leave, find another girl who isn't married, marry her, buy a dog or two, leave me alone.", I assigned.

"But, I love you."

"Now, why would you do something like that for someone you love?", I wondered.

"I-uh, I- well, um...", He stuttered.


"I love you, Aurora. I'll always love you.".

I looked at him coldly before saying, "I used to love you.... now, I'd love to forget you."



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