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"...And it shall be called the Day Of The Remembered. Henceforth, it shall be annual, taking place every 5th day of the 3rd month. We shall celebrate the life of the Sorahians! It shall be a festival of color and parade, exhibiting the life of Sorah. Now, let us not wait any longer; prepare for the ceremony, ready the booths, prepare yourself, for this is our day. We shall begin the Day of the Remembered!" The public orator finished.

And the crowd erupts into cheers, laughter, and excitement. Immediately, they dissolved into their own homes, taking supplies and equipment for the festivals. It was only a matter of minutes until most of the booths, stores, flags, and decors were ready.

It was a very happy day. Everyone was helping each other in preparation. Me? I couldn't be more happier. I can't believe that the king made a new law like that, and today!? It was such a perfect occasion. It really turns things around.

I was currently running. After the announcement, I quickly rushed to our home to tell my parents the good news, only to find out that they've been busy attending to the people.

As soon as I entered our house, there were baskets everywhere, crops, spilled milk.

"Dear, you're home! Come help us. Quickly!", mother said while she peeked her head from a corner. I followed her to where she was and I was surprised with what I saw; people were on our windows, racing to buy our freshest supplies! Mom, together with our helper, Luella, was getting crazy with bags of coins dangling from their faces.

"One at a time! One at a time!" They both yelled.

"M-mom! What's going on?"

She tried to catch her breath from serving, "These people are too excited! We're running out of supplies!"

"Isn't that good?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. But our lives are being taken with every serve!" She complained.

"It's like milking 1000 cows, miss." Luella added while handing some eggs to a buyer.

I laughed, "I guess this really is a day to remember. Here, let me help."
Mom turned to me and held my shoulders, "If you want to help, go help your father. Poor old man, alone getting all the supplies. Help him for me." Then she turned to serve the people again, "Hold your horses! You'll get your eggs!"

I shrugged, "Okay."

I escaped the chaos through the back door and I set my destination to the field. Once I reached it, I saw some unattended wagons full of rice and corns. We are really understaffed today. Running a farm isn't very easy, especially when there are special occasions, since most workers are out with their families.

"Father!" I called out to him. He was currently milking a cow rather harshly inside the barn. Poor cow.

"Isabelle!" He greeted back, wiping the sweat off his forehead. Father isn't really used to helping in the field. He would mostly watch people work, direct the farmers, and manage the field during the harvest, calculating the earnings. He used to work at the palace, although I don't really know that specific job he had there. One thing's for sure: it's not milking cows.

"Father, don't you think the cows could take a little break. Blood might come out instead of milk." I chuckled, getting closer.

"I'm not cut out to be a milkmaid, for your information." He glared at me, standing up to stretch his back. I went in to hug him and laughed.

"I know."

He smiled and sat down once again to milk the cow, "So, the Day of the Remembered, huh?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Isn't the king amazing to come up with that? I guess it's part of their celebration for the late King Jethro."

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