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A blurred face.

That was the first thing I saw as I opened my eyes.

"She's awake! Lio, she's awake!"

As I heard that voice, my vision cleared up. I was in my room, on my bed. My head was still throbbing but it's bearable. I got up the moment my parents came inside.

Mom placed a hand on mine,"Isa, are you okay?"

"We were so worried, darling," Dad said in a shaky voice.

"W-what happened?" I asked.

"You fainted outside," Mom replied.

"You've been out for 3 days. What happened?"

"I don't remember."

But, I really do. It was just to horrible that I wanted to forget it.

"Do you want something to eat? We have soup," Mom offered.

I nodded, "Yes, please."

After that, my mom left while dad stayed by my side. He looked at me with worried eyes. He sighed, "Is there something you're not telling us?"

I choked, "No, dad. Of course there isn't."

"Are you sure about that."

Biting my lip, I answered, "Yes." And there goes another lie.

Dad went closer and narrowed his eyes, "Then, why did you faint?"

Because of too much fear.

Because of too much anxiety.

I've committed some of the highest treasons ever known to Sorah.

I stepped on the king's back; I hugged him. Yes, I, a commoner, hugged the king, stepped on his back, and broke his sword. I'm gonna be punished and so will my family.

"Isa! Are you alright?!"

My normal breathing paced; my heart pounded with fear just like the last time. I started hyperventilating.

I'm terrified.

I'm so terrified.

"Gertrude, Bring us water! Quickly!"

My mom went in with some water. I quickly took it from her to calm myself. I even spilled some on my dress.

"Take it easy, dear."

"Sorry." I muttered as I gave the cup and wiped my mouth.

"What's wrong, Isabelle?" Dad asked.

I swallowed a lump down my throat, thinking of what to say, "M-maybe I overworked."

"Overworked? What did you do? I just told you to get some eggs." Mom argued.

"I went to almost 20 different stores, Ma. I was so tired. I guess that's why I passed out." I said, massaging my forehead as if dizzy.

"Is that all, Isa?" Father asked.

I nodded, "Yes."

"Well, that's a good thing to hear. I checked your temperature and your vitals. You have no signs of any disease whatsoever. I'm relieved." Mom sighed.

I smiled at them. For the meantime, I need to clear my head.

"Isa, where are you going?" Mom asked as I shifted to get up.

"I'm just going outside to get some fresh air. I think I need some." I explained.

"Are you sure, dear. You might wanna rest first."

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