Introduction and Synopsis

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I got the idea when I was watching some historical Korean drama. I finished all the long chapters in 3 days. It was that good. And historical love stories were always my favorite. For me, it's much more exciting than modern love stories. Because of all the war, forbidden stuff, ranks and social issues, etc.

I really wanted this story to be modern since I am a girl from this century and it's gonna be easier for me. But, I like challenges. Therefore, the settings of this book will be between the medieval ages (between 12th-14th century).

If some of you have already watched Maleficent, Jack the Giant Slayer, Tangled, and The Seventh Son, but without the magic, you'll pretty much be able to get the setting. It's in those kind of eras. It's kinda a mix between the Middle Ages of Asia, Europe and other continents too, so do not be surprised if there are Asian names, terms, and other stuff. It's a fictional, historical world where almost all of the countries are in good terms with each other. 

But since it's fictional, I won't be getting the actual places, actual people, or the actual system of government that those times had. I won't have a round table, or Camelot, or the 12 knights, or even Napoleon. It's gonna be set in the old times. That's why it's kinda historical but I created my own concept of it.

Hello, originality.

My goal for this book is that everyone who reads it will enjoy and just...fall in love.

This book contains twists that you wouldn't wanna miss for the world. It contains drama (just a little), heartwarming scenes, and of course, important lessons about duty, history if you would pick up some, family, and love.

You don't have to look forward too deep Old English words because I suck-eth at those kind of stuff and I'm not into eth. I'll have them speak in a modern way but yeah, I might use deep words as well, given that some famous poets are from that period. But, I won't be doing it often. It's gonna be a pain.

This book would also contain humor, of course. A good book will never be without a little bit of laugh. And a little bit of mystery to keep you all excited.


No. This is not your typical king and commoner love story. 

 Marriage is the most crucial tradition in the kingdom of Sorah, to preserve the kings' noble blood and mighty lineage. 

It is a must, and it is unbreakable. But enter King Aspen. A young ruler, perfect in every way, brilliant in almost everything except in one-following the most important tradition of marriage. 

 Running from his own bethrotal, he met the extremely intelligent farm girl, Isabelle Almere, and felt an instant attraction. Concealing his identity, he befriended her, without knowing that she swore an oath to stay away from royals. 

 But when tragedy strikes Sorah, Aspen is left with no choice but to secretly bring Isabelle into his world, and use her wits to save the kingdom. But by doing so, both of them will face even bigger challenges- hidden enemies, dangerous pasts, an impending invasion, stubborn traditions... and falling in love for the first time. 

 Will they be able to stay together despite everything? Or will these challenges get the best of them? Follow their journey, along with Sorah's most mischievous prince and hot-headed female captain, as they venture the world of deadly mysteries, adventure, duty and love.

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