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"Scarlett!" My voice echoed through the halls as I ran towards the room where the said crime scene was.

"Daniel!" Aspen's voice said behind me.

"It can't be." I kept repeating in my head as I almost tripped, racing towards that room. I won't believe it. Never. Scarlett, as dangerous and life-threatening as she is, will not be able to do what she's accused of.

I know her and she is not a murderer. Anyone who accuses her one shall go through me. I'll send them from the living world to Hades' platter.

"The murderer was.... his own daughter, Miss Scarlett de Beville."

Without missing a beat, I charged at the guard and held him by his collar, lifting him off the ground. I growled, "How dare you accuse the future princess a killer!"

"Daniel." Aspen warned, but my ears were covered with anger rushing through my veins, popping unto my forehead.

He helplessly held on to my fists for his dear life as he quivered, "I-it's true, your highness. I saw it with my own eyes! In his office, miss Scarlett was pulling out her dagger, pierced in the flesh of her father."

I shook him, "Liar!"

"Your highness, please..." he pleaded in fear.

I glared daggers at him, sharper than the dagger in my belt and in my pranking tools.

"Daniel!" Aspen roared once again in warning. Forcefully, I threw the guy down and stormed towards General Aris' office with Aspen following me.

"Scarlett!" I shouted once again. Finally, I arrived at the general's office. I wasted no time in pushing the door open. Aspen followed right behind me. I raced through the office and there, to my horror, I found a scene which I initially said was impossible to happen. Still, I refused to believe it.

Scarlett was holding her blood-stained dagger and was stunned, unable to speak or move in front of her father's corpse. He was wearing his armor and was facing down. It was General Aris. Scarlett's back was facing us, but we clearly saw how she was shaking.

"Scar..." Aspen and I said in disbelief.

She turned around, revealing her face in shock and tears. "I-I- I don't.." she stuttered.

We heard footsteps coming right at us. Some ministers followed us in the office to see the scene for themselves. And it all took one look for the stupid courtiers to actually believe that what the guard said was true, that Scarlett was the murderer.

"Behold, demise, king Aspen." One uttered, facing Aspen, making him look at the man in disbelief.

"So, it is true." The other gasped, "Miss de Beville, how could you?"

My instincts took over me and I quickly grabbed my sword and pointed it at the minister's neck, "How dare you question her? How dare you believe that she was the one who did this?!"

"Daniel." Aspen warned again.

The minister remained calm, "Prince Daniel, what better proof could we have? We have seen the scene for ourselves and there is no other explanation for this except for the one we're told. Her daughter is the murd-.

I pressed the sword against his flesh and I growled, cutting him off, "Well, you're all blind and deaf. And I'm gonna prove you wrong."

"Daniel, that's enough." Aspen said.

I gave one last glare at him before I finally put down my sword. I turned to Scarlett who was still paralyzed in shock. I slowly held her shoulders as I tried to comfort her.

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