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For what felt like an eternity but was really only mere seconds, I was staring at this noble man. I can tell from his clothes. He must be an officer or something. A trench coat, a sword, shoes, everything. We were just standing there, not being able to utter a word.

All we can hear is that crunching noise as we accidentally step on the hays and our heavy breathing due to that chase. We were like statues that can't move until we heard the sound of the guards.

"Let's go search back there for the girl."

"Yes, sir."

Oh dear. What if they see me?

My thoughts of being caught were interrupted when I heard another set of soldiers.

"We're going to find him unlike those wags the princess sent. Maybe he's there near the port. Search there!"

"Right away, sir."

The nobleman with me looked sideways and before I could run, he took my hand and dragged me with him as he ran. I didn't know what just happened. I allowed myself to run with this stranger. I could easily lose his grip, throw him like a fairy, and go the other way, but I didn't. Instead, I went with him and I didn't know why.

Crazy, right?

Heat crept into my cheeks because of his grip. Finally, we hid in an abandoned shed. We peeked throught a hole and saw no sign of the guards. But, the soldiers of Sorah are very excellent and keen. We won't be safe for too long.

Wait. Did I just say we?

I breathed heavily, trying to brush off the fact that I'm with a stanger. But I can't, given he's here beside me. I looked at him and he seemed just as worn out as I was as we both leaned against the wall.

"Were you being chased too?" I asked out of curiosity.

He chuckled, "Yeah. You?"

I laughed lightly, "Obviously." Then I peeked at the hole and sat down. So did he.

"Thank you." I suddenly uttered.

"For what?" He tilted his head.

"I don't know. I don't usually thank people for grabbing and dragging me. You're actually the first one." I grinned.

"What an honor." He smirked, and I've never seen a smirk that can look that good.

"You a fugitive?" He suddenly asked as his eyes gazed into mine.

"Me? No. I'm too good to be a fugitive. Can't you see the halo on my head?" I chuckled. "You?"

"Well, sometimes I have a halo but most of the-"

"No. I mean are you a fugitive?" I giggled. Ugh, I hope it wasn't too girly.

He laughed sheepishly, "Oh. Haha. That. Well, no. I don't think I am."

"Were you being chased too?"

"Well, yes."


"Because I was running away, I guess?" He shrugged. "How bout you?"

"Same." I answered.


"I was being forced to join something my guts can't take." I rolled my eyes.

He looked at me, surprised, "So am I! Weird..."

"Yeah. Definitely." I mumbled as I thought about it.

So we're both here because we were being forced into stuff? What are the odds, right?

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