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"Mom, I'll be going now." I said. Of course, as a respectful daughter, I have to inform my mother that I'm leaving. It would be rude not to.

"Okay, dear. Take care." She bid.

"Oh, mom...", I turned around once more before I step out the door, "Where's father?"

"Oh, you know that old man, always doting on his farm as if it was his own son." She rolled her eyes.

I chuckled lightly at her statement,"Okay, mom. I'll be going now, for real."

"Okay, dear. Take care...for real." She smiled.

I nodded and went on my way. Before I go out the streets, I passed by our farm to bid my dad goodbye too.

"Dad, I'll be leaving."

He looked at me and smiled with much concern, "Still going, I see."

I chuckled and went closer to him, "Dad, you know how badly I want this. I promise I'm not getting involved with any serious matters of theirs. I'm just going there to do my own thing, okay?" I said as I hugged him.

He sighed, "Fine. Take care, Isabelle."

"You know I will." Then I left.

Some people might wonder where the heck girls go nowadays. We should be at home, milking cows, sewing, feeding the animals, gardening, ending up married to knights, right? Well, usually, that's what we do and no one can beat us at it.

Now, ever since King Jethro sat on the throne, women were given more educational priveleges. Although, most women and their daughters would rather be traditional and stay at home doing their stuff, others, who would like to learn, were free to do so.

Oh, how I miss that king. Everyone was left devastated when he died four years ago. Good thing is his son, King Aspen, made up for his loss. He continued his father's ways and improved it. Sorah became well known in trades and resources. We gained popularity among other kingdoms as well. We formed alliances too.

For a king his age, I'm pretty impressed. Sorah has never been more prosperous. But, that's all I know about him.

Now, commoner women can't only be nurses, cooks, maids, vendors, farmers, or festival dancers, or anything else you can think about a woman is limited to be in this society. We can also be part of the government now and have other professions that were primarily given only to men.

The most popular were the Lady Investigators. They were like female soldiers and were very smart, the only difference was the men were for war and the women were for crime-solving. We can also be part of other guilds.

Guilds are a group of people with the same profession who work in a workshop. They are usually for businesses and all about the kingdom's economy. For example, if y'all are people who make shoes for a living, then you have a guild of shoemakers, people!

The noble women, who were daughters of landlords, merchants, and kingdom officials were given higher education by the royal clan and are the only ones who can be part of a court as judges, lawyers, landladies through inheritance, guild managers, and other higher class professions.

The lucky ones, who were mostly daughters of generals and ministers, and also the princesses, were the only ones who can be messengers, diplomats, and strategists.

I totally love this era. Lots of things to do for women.

As of now, I'm on my way to the academy. The noble's academy, at that. My father enrolled me at the ladies' academy back at our town then when I was younger. It was fine and all. I learned about medicine, investigation, history, math, and other things, given that we were all training to be Lady Investigators, or nurses, or any job in our social state's reach.

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