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I went back to the town where I dropped her off.

Upon arriving, I tied my horse to a nearby tree. I can barely see what's around me. After I tied it, I went looking for her, trying to be as quiet as I can with everyone asleep. I can't see anything but houses, and closed stores and guild houses. I was getting desperate to find her.

Where could she be?

Suddenly, a beautiful melody broke my thoughts. It sounded sweet, yet sad and it sounded like the music came from a flute. I let my ears lead me to the source of the that sound. I wandered around, following the music. I passed all the houses and ended up in a dark place with a lot of trees.

My clothes were getting caught on the branches but I didn't care. Okay, I did, a little. It was very annoying but I just have to know where the sound is coming from.

Finally, I arrived at this small pavilion. It took me a while. It was very far from where the houses were.

There, I found a girl. She was sitting at the middle of the whole pavilion. Her golden hair was framing her sad face. Curious, I went closer. Only then did I notice...

It's her.


I walked towards her but I stopped when I saw what's going on.

She was crying.

I couldn't explain this feeling I had when I saw her in that state. I felt like murdering the one who caused that. I felt shattered and weak. I don't know what to do.

Was she hurt?

Is she sad?

Why is she crying?

So many questions went on, but I wasn't able to come closer. I just stood there, listening to her, to every note she played. I was in awe. She was able to make me feel what she feels through that music. Suddenly, I felt a tear roll down from my eyes. Before I knew it, I was crying. Once she was finished, she wiped her tears and so did I.

She sighed and sat down. And I know that was my cue. I walked closer to her, my heart pounding.



I played the last note of the song and wiped my last tears. I felt so heavy. Although this day was one of my best days that I can never forget, I feel so blue. I miss him. I miss both of them. Look at me. All I can do is play the flute to remind me of them and nothing more.


Someone said my name as I felt a tap on my shoulder. Needless to say, I was startled, turning around. Though it was night, I could see his face clearly. It was him.


What is he doing here?

"Aspen..." I let out a gasp.

"So, this is what you're up to. Hmm." He smiled as he sat down next to me.

It warmed me up a bit to know that he came to meet me, just to know what I was going to do. I wouldn't tell him this, but this was supposed to be a private time for me. But though he's here, I didn't mind. In fact, I think his arrival made this more special. For the first time I have someone to share this with.

I sighed, "How did you find me?"

"Anyone awake could've easily heard and follow the music, Isabelle. And, you're playing in the middle of the night. Who wouldn't get curious?"

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