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(4 hours earlier)

After leaving the palace grounds, I wandered around, but not before removing my Lady Investigator uniform, of course.

I still can't get a hold of what I've gotten myself into.

What am I going to tell my parents?

I honestly don't know what to do. I don't think I can even face them. But, I had to go home.

So, after some time, I finally got just the right amount of guts to go home and tell what I have to tell.

I arrived at our doorstep not a moment too soon. I took a deep breath, "You can do this, Isabelle."


What am I gonna say?

"Hey, mom, dad. Guess what? I'm a Lady Investigator! Woohoo! You can disown me now if you want."

Yikes. What am I? A martyr?!

"Mom, Dad. I'm really sorry. I've disobeyed you. I went to the palace, and talked with a royal. I accidentally signed myself up to be a Lady-"

No. They'll have a heart attack even before I finish a sentence.


They'll be furious! I'm gonna be a disgraceful daughter in their eyes. I've disobeyed them. It being temporary is not an exception they'll accept. They're not gonna like this one bit.

But, I have to face this. I'm not one to hide these kind of secrets from them. I have never lied to my parents.

If I choose to tell the truth, It'll lift this heavy feeling off my chest, but I'll be punished for my actions twice as heavy as the guilt.

However, if I choose to hide this, it'll spare their lives and save them from having a heart attack, but I'm gonna have to drag like what, 2 anchors, everyday for hiding this.

But, either way, the worst thing is that, I'm gonna hurt them.

Well then, here goes.

I opened the door and saw my mother sweeping the floors, doing what she does best.

"Dear, you're here." She smiled lovingly.

I can't believe I'm about to take that smile off her face.

"Hi mom. I'm sorry for leaving for too long. Where's dad?" I asked as I sat in the couch.

"Oh, he's taking a rest in his room. Let's just let him be for the time being." She chuckled.

"Okay." I sighed.

I can't stop thinking about the whole Lady Investigator thing, and the case I'm working on with the prince and Aspen. My heart pounded inside me and my brain is about to malfunction from over thinking this. The weight in my chest was getting heavier by the second.

"Honey, are you alright? You seem troubled."

I looked up to her, "Me?"

"Who else do you think I might be referring to? The vase?" She quirked a brow.

I sighed," No. I'm fine."

She rolled her eyes,"Isa, when you see a person with bruises, bumps, cuts, and injuries, do you think he's fine?"

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