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"So how was your first day?" Edith asked.

"Well, of course most of them treated me as if I was different, lower, non-deserving, but there are others, like Scarlett, who became really close to me. She actually became my bestfriend in the academy." I smiled.

Edith suddenly pulled away from my grip and glared at me, "Oh, I see. You have a new bestfriend, huh? Well, fine by me."

I chuckled at her childish attitude and grabbed her arm,"You know it's not like that, Edith. You'll always be my bestfriend until the day my bones rust."

"But bones don't rust."


She smiled and rolled her eyes playfully,"Fine, I'm convinced." And we hugged each other.

"So, what are you going to tell me?" I asked, remembering our deal, "I'll tell you mine and you tell me yours, right?"

"Ohhh! Right. Well, you see..." she paused a while to blush and look down to the ground, grinning like crazy.

"Edith, I'm not going to ask God to tell me. What is it?" Call me impatient but I still have some things to do.

"You know that Lione and I have been married for a couple of months now."


"Well, we've decided to take it to the next phase." She smiled.


She looked at me incredelously before scarring my ears.

"Idiot! I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed.

It took me a minute to process what she just said and also bring my normal hearing back.

She's pregnant?!

She's gonna have a baby?!

I'm gonna be an aunt....well, a godmother!

She's gonna be a mother....

My bestfriend's gonna be a mother!

Without taking a moment, I hugged her as we jumped for joy. I was squealing in excitement as if I was the one expecting.

"Oh my goodness! You're gonna be a mother!"

"Hahaha! I know you'd be thrilled as I am." Then she let go and held my shoulders, "And you will be the second mother, okay?"

"Ha, who else will it be, silly? Of course, I will." I laughed.

We hugged once more until our excitement died down but the happiness didn't. I was so happy for her. She's moving on to a greater stage in life. Motherhood. A stage that will bring you so much pain yet so much more joy that nothing can even compare to it. I'm glad.

"Wait! Did you tell Lione?" I asked.

"No, I'll be dropping the news after he comes home." She shrugged.

"Gosh. I'm sure he's gonna sent the whole army to celebrate with him." We laughed and I sighed after, "Well, I hope the best for you, Edith. You know that."

"Of course I do." She grinned.

Suddenly I heard the bell chime and I saw other girls going to the academy. Darn, I don't wanna be late!

"Edith, as much as I would like to stay with you and plan the baby's life, I'm sorry but I have to go." I explained.

She smiled with much understanding, "I know. Go get em." She bid.

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