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"Breathe, Isabelle. Breathe. You can do this."

But I actually can't.

It's been a week since the case was solved. We stayed at a tavern last night and told the general about what happened. The experience was all fun for me. Aspen insisted on walking me home that night, but I didn't let him. We were all worn out, and I knew that he was tired as well. Besides, there was nothing to worry about anymore.

Sorah is now safe and celebrating. The celebration isn't over yet. In fact, the people refused to stop and are still making merry outside.

But the party's over for me. I was so focused on the case that I forgot my parents...

And the whole telling the truth thing.

My apprenticeship in the Lady Investigators is still valid because the exams aren't over yet. But, I have no plans on being a full fledged investigator. That would add weight to the sin I've already committed.

It was simple.

Never be close to a royal, or a noble.

Now, I got a full circle of friends composed of nobles and royals.

"Some daughter I am." I sighed.

Now that it's over, will they forgive me? Maybe if I tell them that what I did saved Sorah, maybe they would.

But I'm not sure of that. They loathed any relationship with politicians. The fact that I contributed in saving our kingdom won't make my punishment any less. I still betrayed them.

Ugh. Why does it have to be me?!

It could've been any scholar and anyone with the guts to be the hero. I have parents to obey and a 'good-daughter' reputation to live up to.

Why me?

"This is hopeless!" I exclaimed.

I don't know what to do, what to tell, what would happen. I hate myself. Why did I sign up for this in the first place?! I became too curious about the omens, which led me to discovering things, which led me to tell Aspen, which led him to drag me into this mess.

But then again, all these led into the salvation of our country.

Still....I'm toast.

I sighed. How am I going to face their wrath? I can already see images of dad with smoke coming out of their nostrils and mom pulling her hair out. And it's not that pretty.

"Isabelle? What are you doing? You're beating the eggs too hard!" Mom exclaimed.


Only then did I notice that I destroyed what was supposed to be our delicious breakfast by beating it too hard. It started foaming because I lost myself in too much thought.

"Damn it," I shook my head as I wiped some droplets that went into my hands and my dress. "I'm sorry, ma."

Mom sighed,"Dear, if you're mad at the world or something, don't take your resentment out on our breakfast."

She takes the bowl away from me and wiped the table where I worked.

I can't help it. I need to tell the truth right now or else, I'll regret it forever. The longer I hide this, the worse it's gonna get. I just destroyed unsuspecting eggs, for crying out loud! I can't deal with this everyday. They're gonna find out at some point.

Now that it's over, there's no more reason for me to keep it anymore. I can't live with this inside my chest.

I need to tell them... now.

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