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"I'm home," I yelled as I opened the door. I was greeted by my mother who ran to me and hugged me.

"Isa, dear. We were so worried!"

I laughed softly, "Mom, I told you I'll be back."

She eyed me in a mocking way, "Did you really think that that would calm me down? Of course I wouldn't stop worrying about you."

My dad then stepped forward and placed a hand on mom's shoulder, "Gertrude, let the girl be. She kept her promise, alright. She's back in one piece."

"Why are you always taking her side, anyway? Aren't I your wife?" She glared at dad as she put her hands on her hips.

Dad raised up his hands in surrender, "It's not that, dear. I just don't like the way you're coddling her too much. She's a grown up now."

Mother flared, "Are you saying I'm old?!"

"Oy.." Dad face palmed, knowing he can never win an argument with mom. No one can.

"Hey, Lio! Speak to me!"

"Mom, Dad?" I intervened before it gets too far. I smiled at their baby fights. It was always so fun to watch and it would always cheer me up.

"Yes, Isa?" They responded in unison.

I took a deep breath before saying it, "I quit the noble's academy."

And as expected, their jaws dropped, "What?"


After I left the palace grounds, I proceeded to the public library, where my parents thought I would be. I made my letter, one of the most painful things I had to write. But, I needed to. This won't end unless I do this and I know that with all of my heart.

As I grabbed the quill, I almost forced my hand to move, but it wouldn't. I needed it to move and write the things I wanted -no- needed to say, but it wouldn't.

"Come on, Isa. Write!" I tried to scold myself. But what good would it do?

My tears then rolled down my cheeks.


How could I possibly leave the place I love?

That place I dreamed about for a very long time?

How could I give up on it when I've barely started my life out there?

But I had to. As painful as it is, I need to quit the noble's academy. It's where it all started. My stupid, ambitious, and selfish dream to go there started it all.

These lies, these secrets that weren't even supposed to be made, it started because of that dream.

I need to put my family first. I can't do this to them anymore.

"We love you, dear."

"We trust you, Isa."

Those words wouldn't leave my head. It became a dead weight to me instead of encouragements because I knew I didn't deserve it during those times.

I have to give it all up. I have to leave my friends, I need to tell the truth to my parents.

So, with my heart set on this, I started writing.

[Ms. Amelia Yang, my dear teacher,

I'm sorry to say this, but I, Isabelle Almere, am quitting the noble's academy because of unfortunate circumstances. Thank you for accepting me as your student.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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