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"This stinks," Daniel complained.

"I'll give you a million pieces of silver if you can give me a fragrant corpse, Daniel," Aspen shook his head.

"I know that. I'm just pointing out that it's down right foul and disgusting," Daniel retorted.

"Be careful. You just stepped on the lungs." Aspen teased as we were walking forward with our hands on our nose.

"Gah! I hate this place!" Daniel exclaimed.

"Actually, no one would really love this place," Aspen emphasized.

"Quiet now. You might wake them."

"Isabelle!" Daniel screamed.

"Good one," Aspen said, giving me a high five. Then, we all piped down, reminding ourselves that we were at the Cadaver's Chambers.

We came here for one thing only: to examine the corpse of the general.

It was secluded at the end of the hospital. Only investigators, officers, and royals can come here. With Daniel alone, we were granted passage. Then, we took the opportunity to look for the corpse. It was dark and no one assisted us through that maze of a place. Most of the people already evacuated to the other far cities of Sorah and to their own provinces because of fear.

We need to fix this soon and fast.

"Found him?"

"Nothing here." Aspen replied.

"Just corpses.. ugh..", Daniel groaned.


Then, we turned our heads to Scarlett. She was looking at a corpse, the only one who wore an armor, specifically speaking.

We walked closer towards him, or it, since he's already dead. He was inside a special room inside the large chamber.

"It is him. This is the armor he wore." Scarlett informed.

"Scar, with your permission, we will-"

"It's fine, Isabelle. Like you said, we're not really sure if it is dad. So, there's no point in asking for permission, really." Scarlett gave a smile.

"Okay then. Let's find out if it really is our beloved general." Aspen started.

We nodded our heads and wore the gloves provided beside the body's table. We didn't let Scarlett examine the corpse. How would anyone feel about touching and doing tests on a cadaver of a possible loved one?

We thought about that. Daniel and Aspen found it hard too. They were barely able to touch it, so I insisted that I go first.

They helped me remove the heavy, stained armor on the body and I proceeded to do my work after.

I examined first the wound. Mother, being a nurse, taught me how to do it. The wound at the side of the waist was deep; it was certainly caused by the dagger. That's the only wound I saw so far. Everything else was pale and blue, given that it was a corpse, but other than that, the flesh seemed normal; not bitten, not scraped. It was just that one wound at the waist.

I took a step back in confusion.

How strange. How could he possibly...

"What is it?" Aspen asked, stepping forward.

"It's nothing. It's just that..."


One wound? And it's just at the waist. Could he really suffer death just from that? I mean, for someone with a trained, fit, and strong body, belonging to a general at that, this would just be a minor injury.

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