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We finally reached the top. As I was helping her up, I saw lights and I heard people celebrating. She heard it too and we went together to where the people were. And the moment we arrived, a night festival greeted us.

"What the?" I tilted my head, "Is there a celebration or something?"

If there was, excuse me for forgetting. I was chased by my own guards, my sister was being so annoying, and I broke my back and my sword. So, don't blame me for not remembering.

But at least.... I met Isabelle. Our meeting was nothing short of fate, I guess.

I was so fascinated by this girl. I've never met anyone like her. She was able to outrun the guards, she knows the Book Of Masters, and she.... she's.....fine I'll admit it.

She's beautiful.

You don't find a girl like her every era.

"Oh, I remember. I think it's a celebration for the prince's bride selection." She said.

The prince's bride selection?

Oh, Daniel!

I wonder how was he. Was he able to escape? Did he choose already? Did Fallon-

"Aspen? Aspen!" She exclaimed, waving a hand.

"What?" Only then did I notice that I was in deep thoughts. What's happening to me?

"Let's go?" She insisted, holding out her hand.

"Let's." I said as I took her hand.

I didn't even know why should we hold hands. We were now able to go our separate ways and go home. But, when she held out her hand, I get this feeling that...

I don't wanna go home yet.

"Oh, here's your sword. Well, a piece of it." She said, giving me the one without a hilt. "Thank you for that again."

I frowned "Gee, I don't know what to feel."

She laughed. The most beautiful laugh I've ever heard or saw.

Ugh! What's wrong with me? She's just a stranger. I barely know her yet I'm thinking these things about her.

"Hey, I promised I'll replace- Wait. Does that have a sentimental value?" She asked.

I shrugged, "No. Why?"

"Well, if it does, I won't be able to replace it, if you know what I mean." She smiled.

The most perfect smi-


"Yeah, I know. But I was only kidding. You really don't have to replace it." I insisted.

"Uh-uh. I already promised. So, joke or not, I'll replace it."

"But I said-" I tried to protest.

"Tsk. Tsk. Ordering me what to do. Are you the king?" She raised her brows.

"WHAT?! NO, OF COURSE I'M NOT! WHO TOLD YOU THAT?!" I shouted, earning us a few stares.

"Easy on the volume. I was only teasing." She whispered.

I face palmed myself. Easy, Aspen. She was only kidding. She would never know.

Oh, about that. Why didn't I tell her I was king?

One: She might not believe me.

Two: I might scare her if she did believe.

Three: She wouldn't be acting the way she is if she knew, and I didn't want that.

The King Who Won't MarryWhere stories live. Discover now