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"Oh dear, the people must  be dismayed with the events."

"If the people are, what more the king?"


"Why does this have to happen to Sorah?"

As I went home, I passed a couple of people who were talking about the chaos earlier, about the Discord. They say that the 3 omens are taking place. Discord, then Demise, then Downfall, just like the 5 Fallen Kingdoms.

So, this is what father's premonition meant. I can't believe that it's this disastrous. As for me, I'm not really sure if what took place at the ceremony earlier was really a sign of the omens. I think it was just an accident. Instruments can't go wrong that fast. There has to be an explanation for that, a logical one.

I'm not that kind of girl to believe in bad luck and curses, unless there's proof.

"Mom, Dad?" I said, as I entered the house. I saw that everything was still a mess. Gertrude, my mom and dad were cleaning the floor and the tables.

"Let me help you guys." I offered as I grabbed the broom.

"Thank you, Isabelle." Mom smiled.

There were a lot of vegetables lying around and the smell of egg yolks overthrew the fragrance our flowers gave. Looks like I have to clean really hard if I want these removed.

I was sweeping near dad's room when I noticed that his prized lute had broken strings.

Wow, the chaos really reached as far as his room.

I sighed as I looked at it. I loved it whenever dad played that for me when I was little. He made it himself and he also taught me how to change its strings and polish it til' it shines like a noble's forehead.

I dropped the broom and went inside to grab the lute. Dad came in and saw me holding it as I was sitting on the chair.

He chuckled, "Poor lute."

I grinned, "Yeah, I know. Poor, unsuspecting lute."

Dad sighed, "It really takes me back. I missed those days when you were just a little girl, Isabelle."

I chuckled, "Yeah, I missed those too, when you used to sing me to sleep."

Dad leaned against the doorframe as he was scratching his beard, "You know, it's never too late, especially now that you really need some cheering up."

My eyes brightened, "Can I change the strings?"

He laughed softly, "Sure, dear. Get some from the drawers."

I excitedly edged from my seat to get the strings from the drawer beside me. As soon as I got it, I quickly sat properly and placed the strings in place one-by-one. In the middle of placing the last one, I noticed that one string was missing.

"Dad, you're missing a string."

He took the lute, "You're right. We need to find another string or else it's gonna sound different."

"Yeah, it's gonna sound-"

I paused for a minute.

"Say that again."

He blinked, "Say what, dear?"

"What you said, dad."

He scratched his beard, "Uh, it's gonna sound different."

My eyes widened.

It's gonna sound different. Of course it will. And, if it sounds different, that would mean, it's untuned. What if...

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