|Chapter One|

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"He's your abuser, not your lover" He told me, his dark eyes looking into mine as the tears streaming down my cheeks revealed the purple marks staining my skin.
I shook my head, "He loves me, and I love him... He hurts me because I do stuff wrong" I explained,
"Demetria, you're not doing a thing wrong"
"I must be, there's no other reason"
"He's a psychopath"
"He's my husband..."

«« »»

"Honey, I'm home" Nick's voice rang through the house as the door shut with a loud thud as I rushed to put his plate on the dining table,
I smiled at the arrival of my husband, "I missed you" I mused, kissing him softly on the cheek as he placed his suitcase down. Softly, I took the jacket slung over his shoulders and placed it on our coat rack.
I caught his eyes gazing to the cream table cloth as it slung just the slightest bit unevenly over the side of the table, "What's that?" He asked, pointing to the mistake,
My eyes widened as my breath hitched in my throat, "I didn't mean for that to be that way, I'm sorry" I rushed while quickly evening it out,
"It should have been done before I got home, Demi!" Nick raised his voice, slamming his fist against the back of one of the timber dining chairs. "Thank you for dinner", his deminor quickly softened before sitting down. I took my seat across from him and slowly ate my dinner. I was not to finish before him, and I was not to leave him waiting after, I must be in time with him.
I was thankful that he didn't get angry over the tablecloth, I just wanted tonight to be perfect, and so did he, it was our five year anniversary.
"I can't believe it's been five years Nick, isn't that amazing?" I smiled, taking a sip from my glass of champagne,
Nick shrugged, "This isn't really great anniversary food" He picked before shoving another piece of roast chicken into his mouth, "But yeah can't believe it's been five years, especially since you still make the same mistakes as when you were nineteen"
I frowned, "Did I make a mistake?" I asked, looking around at the pristine kitchen, reminiscing how I spent all day preparing this meal then cleaned the entire house before he had gotten home,
"The chicken is too chewy, it should be soft and succulent, the way that I like it"
I wiped my mouth softly with the napkin, "I'm sorry, I tried my best and followed the same recipe as always" I told him, the annoyance in my voice hinting ever so slightly.
Nick dropped his knife and fork onto the plate suddenly, "I'm being lenient tonight because I'm trying not to punish you Woman, don't test me!"
I took the last bite of my meal as did Nick at the same instant, "I'm sorry" I muttered before taking both of our plates to the sink.

I rinsed my hair thoroughly in the warm water as it ran down my bare legs. I loved that feeling once you had just finished shaving, I always shaved for Nick, he liked it, he always told me it was wrong for Women to have hair anywhere apart from their head and eyebrows.
"You're going to use all the hot water" Nick knocked at the bathroom door as I ran the razor along the last strip of hair in my lower region.
"I'm coming out now, baby" I told him, turning the hot water off and using the cold to rinse the rest of the conditioner from my hair, if there wasn't enough hot water for him in the morning I would be in a lot of trouble.

"Drop the towel" Nick spoke as soon as I stepped from the bathroom,
A small smirk came upon my face as the the towel slipped from my wet skin, leaving me fully exposed to my husband. "Come here" he ordered, his eyes full of lust.
Crawling onto the bed, I was taken by surprise as his hand collided with the side of my face, "That's for the table cloth" He grinned, "And you'll find out your punishment for the rest" He told me, I gulped as he flipped me so that I was laying on my stomach.
"You know, I love your butt, baby" He told me, his hands running along my bare skin, squeezing my cheeks as he spread them apart,
"Are you going to make love to me?" I asked innocently, he liked when I did that during sex, even though deep down I enjoyed being the dominant one.
Nick leaned down, the warm breath from his mouth matching up to my ear, "I don't make love to anyone and I never will, I fuck, and I fuck hard" He warned me, before a sharp pain spread throughout my mid body, "How does that feel?" He asked as his hard member slid in and out of my ass.
I wish I could have told the truth, that it hurt, that I didn't like it... "So good, baby" I lied, letting out a fake moan as he pounded me harder, making sure to moan every time he made me want to scream out in how uncomfortable I was.
I hated this, it just felt like being constipated, but it just won't fucking come out.
"I don't want to cum in this hole, turn around" Nick ordered, flipping me around once again, this time so that I was facing him.
I placed my hand on his bicep, "Don't you want to wash him off before putting him in there?" I asked confidently, which I never did. I hated germs, and I was very aware of what was going in and out of down there.
A hard hand collided with the other side of my face as it swung to the side, "I'll do whatever the fuck I want" He told me, digging his fingers in between my ribs as I whimpered out in pain, attempting to make it sound like it was out of pleasure though so that he would stop.
Without warning, his member entered me, this time feeling a lot more pleasuring. I moaned as my walls tightened around him, I discovered a long time ago that if I tightened around him then it surprised them, and made them closer to cumming.
"Shit baby girl, you know what that does to me" He moaned, thrusting in and out, getting faster and faster before he released inside of me. "You're on the pill, yeah?" He asked as I nodded, "Good, I don't want kids with you" He chuckled before grabbing my head and leading me down to his hips, "Suck" He whispered in lust as my lips closed around him. My tongue dancing along his long member as he bobbed my head up and down. Releasing into my mouth, I gaged whilst swallowing. He never tasted good, and he never had. I hated sucking him, but I had no choice.
I was left uncomfortable as Nick went to clean up, I was left on the edge of an orgasm before he pulled out, I knew that he hated me touching myself though.
My eyes wandering to the bathroom door, I faintly heard the shower running, I had time to finish myself off.

"What the fuck are you doing?" My husband snapped as I let out a loud moan, removing my fingers as the sticky substance covered them, "You're not meant to do that!" He told me, dropping his towel and slapping me across the face, then kneeing me in my lower region. I let out a yelp as it felt as if all air left my system for about ten seconds. It hurt so bad, I could feel my pelvis bruising more and more each second, not even being able to feel the pain in my face anymore.
"Learn your fucking lesson!" He growled, cracking his fist hardly against my ribs as I let out another gut wrenching yelp, my body once again feeling deprived from the oxygen it begged for. I was in so much fucking pain. I knew I was going to fuck up eventually, I had been too good at everything for awhile. I should have just listened to him, he had a hard day at work and just wanted to come home to a perfect house, a perfect dinner, and a perfect wife... And I didn't do any of that.


Nick was nice to me most of the time, he let me work at a small business where only eight other women were employed. It was a small family restaurant, clearly I wasn't part of the family, but they accepted me as one of their own.
"We have a man coming in who is interested in buying the resturant off of us" My boss, Esmerelda told us staff as I wiped down the table tops,
My stomach dropped, "A man?" I asked, making sure that I had heard correctly.
If I lost my job either from being fired or because I quit, Nick would punish me. It would be horrible, I would have disappointed him so much and we wouldn't have a stable income like we do now. I couldn't lie to Nick though, then it would be even worse.
Esmerelda nodded, "His name is Wilmer Valderrama, he will be taking over the business when Gabe and I retire in a few months" She explained, "He will be spending the next few months in the lead up, around here getting use to it and getting to know everyone"
I shook my head, "I will have to ask my husband" I muttered to myself as tears brimmed my eyes,
"Ask your husband what?" One of my co-workers, Sophia asked,
My head shot up, "...What he wants for dinner" I smiled.
I would never tell on Nick, I knew he would get into trouble for what he does to me, but I didn't want him to get into trouble, I knew that whatever I got, I deserved, and that Nick wouldn't give me anything that I didn't deserve.


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