|Chapter Seven|

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Previously in The Way He Lies: Demi stands up against Nick for the first time as he pushes her down the stairs 'accidently'. Demi wonders if she's been friendzoned by Wilmer, despite the fact that she's married anyway.

"So, if you weren't married would you go for McDreamy in there?" Kehlani asked me, leaning against the counter as I re-stocked the coffee cups,

I screwed my face up slightly, a hint of humour showing through, "He's my boss, isn't that illegal?"

"Girl, no" She chuckled, "There might be a company policy or something, but damn, I'd break the rules for a piece of man like that"

My cheeks went pink at the simple thought of being with Wilmer, "My husband would kill me" I joked, well in a way I guess it wasn't a joke.

"You're funny"

I sighed before turning away from her, "No, for real" I mumbled under my breath as Wilmer walked into the room,

"Am I interrupting something?" The Latino man chuckled as he examined both Kehlani and I,

"How long have you been standing there?" Kehlani asked, a hint of embarrassment coming through her usually confident voice,

"About a minute"

"Well I'm just going to check if we have more coffee beans out the back" My co-worker excused herself as I mentally cursed at her for leaving me alone with Wilmer after he had just heard our conversation. I mean, his name wasn't mentioned but it was pretty obvious.

Wilmer laughed before grabbing some of the cash from the till and placing it in the money bag, "Stephanie is going to pop in some time today, just send her straight through"

"Will do, boss" I smiled, wiping down the coffee machine as an excuse to make it look like I was busy, as I waited for the man to exit the room,

He stopped at the staff room door, "Oh, and Demi?" I looked to him, still blushing from the conversation that he had overheard, "There's no company policy" He winked.

He winked at me.

My boss winked at me.

Wilmer winked at me.

My heart thudded harder than it had in years, this time it was thudding in a good way though.

"Demi!" A female voice called as I turned to the front of the store, trying to calm down my flustered self, "I'm here to see Wilmer but I want to talk to you" Stephanie, who I remembered as Wilmer's sister, said to me,

"Sure, what's up?" I asked as the woman grabbed my wrists and pulled me over the counter closer to her,

She looked over her shoulder quickly before turning back to me, "There is this guy out the front and he had a gun in his pocket, he was on the phone and I heard him mention your name..."

My eyes widened, "W-what?" I stuttered as panic spread through my body, "Did he look dangerous?"

"He had a shaved head, looked quite buff, dressed like a business man..."

I cut the woman off, "Was he wearing a black tie with purple stripes on it?"

Stephanie nodded as confusion came across her face, "Yeah, he was actually"

I rolled my eyes and let in a heavy breath, "That's my husband... he's probably here to see me. Just please, when he comes in, make sure Wilmer doesn't come out the front"

"Is he dangerous, Demi?"

I chuckled softly, "No, he's not dangerous", not to you guys anyway.

She looked at me unsurely before walking behind the counter, "If you're sure"

"Thank you" I smiled before the woman walked into the back room.

A breath of air which I didn't even realise I was holding in left my body as now I didn't have to worry about Wilmer coming out. Nick still didn't know that I now had a male boss, he never visited me at work.
"Nick" I smiled as my husband walked into the small resturant,

He smiled as he looked around the empty space, "No customers? You get paid to stand around and do nothing?" He asked accusingly, please don't start, not here.

I ran my fingers through my hair anxiously, "I was just counting the money, around this time of morning it's usually quiet, after the morning work rush and before people get hungry after breakfast" I explained, it wasn't a lie I guess, it was an excuse though.

"Well I'm on my lunch break and I felt like a coffee that wasn't made with the shitty staff room machine" He told me, pulling his wallet from his pocket,

I pulled a weird face at him, "You don't have to pay, I work here" I laughed as he chuckled silently, placing his wallet back into the expensive fabric on his blazer,

"Of course" Nick rolled his eyes playfully as I turned to the coffee machine, "Why hasn't that been covered?" My husband snapped as I whipped my body around to face him again,

"What?" I asked, shocked and confused,

Nick pointed to my right arm, "That, the fucking bruise! You're meant to cover everything, if anyone finds out Demetria you are in so much fucking trouble, you-" As his yelling continued, Wilmer, Stephanie and even Kehlani stepped through to the front, concerned at the noise.

"Is everything okay here?" Wilmer asked as Nick composed himself,

My husband smiled, "Just perfect, who are you?"

Shit, he was going to find out. Lord help me. I looked to my co-worker and boss with pleading eyes, hoping they would catch on.

As Wilmer opened his mouth to reply, Stephanie pushed in front of him, "He's my husband, I'm Demi's boss"

"And I'm her co-worker, hi" Kehlani smiled, peeping her head through the crowded doorway.

I made my way out from behind the counter and wrapped my arm around Nick's waist, "This is my husband, Nick. Something happened at his work, he was just re-enacting what happened" I lied, "He's a detective for the LAPD" That part wasn't a lie.

A look of relief came upon Stephanie's face as the reason as to why he had a gun was now known, a very comforting explanation for her.

"We'll I'll just leave you to it then, I'll see you at home my love" Nick smiled before waving to my co-workers and walking out of the cafe.

As Stephanie and Wilmer made their way back out into the staff room, Kehlani approached me...

"We need to talk"

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