|Chapter Eighteen|

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New character above: Evelyn

Previously In The Way He Lies: Demi goes to the hospital for an ultrasound after some concerns. When hearing the heartbeat of her unborn child, she now knows it's the most important thing that she gets away from Nick.

I walked into my former workplace with my head held high. I wasn't looking for my job back, I didn't want to work here and Nick didn't trust me anymore. I was looking for Stephanie. I had no one right now. Wilmer had left, my best friend slept with my husband, and my husband hates me.

"Demi!" Stephanie said in shock as she walked into the front of the restaurant, a short blonde girl working at the register. The girl looked really young, maybe fifteen at the most. "What are you doing here?" She asked, placing her phone in her pocket,

"I... I don't have anyone else to talk to..." I trailed off, tears filling my eyes and my voice getting choked up at the end. I hated crying in front of people, and I wouldn't have if it weren't for these stupid emotions.

Stephanie's face filled with sympathy as the girl at the front counter looked at me in confusion, "Come around the back, Dems" I followed her into the back and took a seat on the couch.

"I'm pregnant" I spat out as the brunette sat across from me, her eyes widened as the words left my mouth,

"It's not Wilmers, is it?"

I shook my head, "I wish it could be, but I didn't sleep with him... Well technically I did sleep with him, I slept in his bed, but we didn't have sex"

"Does Nick know?" Again, I shook my head, "What are you going to do?"

I took a deep breath, "I'm going to leave, but Nick can't know about it until I'm gone"

"Where are you going to go?"

I bit my lip in thought, "I want to find Wilmer, but I don't know if he wants me"

"He wants you"


"I was going to come see you but I didn't know how strict Nick was... I spoke to Wilmer a few weeks ago and he said he didn't have a choice but to leave" Stephanie explained to me, "Nick thought you cheated on him with Wilmer, he said that if Wilmer didn't get out of town that he would kill you..."

"He came close enough" I sighed, remembering what he had done to my neck. "Do you know where he is?"

She nodded, "He's staying in Napa, he has a house down there near our parents"

"Can you write down the address for me?" I asked, "Just please, do not say anything to anyone about this"

I pulled out a photo from the ultrasound from my bag and passed it to her, "What's this?"

I smiled proudly, "It's my baby"

"I can't believe you're pregnant, I'm so happy for you"

"Thank you... hopefully you get to meet them one day"

Stephanie winked, "I'm sure I will" She chuckled, referencing to my relationship with Wilmer, "I know how much he cares about you" She told me.

"I have a lot of baggage" I sighed,

"He doesn't care, you don't choose who you fall in love with"


I giggled softly as Wilmer's lips reached just under my ear, sucking right where he knew it felt good as he unhooked my bra, moving is face down to reach my nipples as he took my left breast between his lips.
I bit my lip in satisfaction as he ran is tongue over the tip.
I took a short breath, "Fuck" I let out through my teeth.
"You like that, mama?"
I nodded as he began to unbutton my jeans, "It's only just begun" His raspy voice murmured as he brought his lips up to my ear. Goosebumps rose along my skin as he slipped his hands into my jeans.

I woke up in a sweat, my heart thudding as Nick slept peacefully next to me. I just had a sex dream about Wilmer. I hadn't even had sex with Wilmer in real like yet I was dreaming about it? Well fuck.

There's literally like two chapters left of this book dhshshsjhsnsm!!!:&//
I'm so excited for the sequel y'all have no idea, it's going to be called: The Life She Lies
You ain't prepared for how much dilmer this is going to have, I'm so excited!

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