|Chapter Nineteen|

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Trailer for The Life She Lies (the sequel to this) up above.

Previously in The Way He Lies: After taking a visit to see Stephanie down at the restaurant, Demi finds out what actually happened to Wilmer and why he left so suddenly.

I entered my house with dried tear stains on my flushed cheeks. As much as I had tried to compose my anger before coming inside, I knew I wouldn't be able to look at Nick without being furious with him.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" My husband asked as I entered our bedroom, a piece of paper in his hands as he sat, his legs hanging off the side of the bed. I looked at him cluelessly while inside my heart was going a million miles an hour. "Maybe like why we have a bill from the hospital?"

I shrugged, "Did you go to get your mental health checked?"

I could see he was actually trying not to hurt me, which was different for him. Usually he just goes for it. "It's from the maternity ward"

My heart sunk to my stomach, "I was going to tell you..." I trailed off as he stood up, coming closer to me and throwing the paper behind him onto the bed.

"Is it mine, or is it Wilmer's?" He snapped,

I couldn't control myself when his name left my husbands lips.

"You're the reason he left!" I screamed to my husband as tears cascaded down my face. "You made him leave!"

"I did it because I love you" Nick told me, trying to calm me down as I screamed at him, "I love you, Demetria, it's okay, I'll help you get rid of this baby, we can book an appointment for a few days time"

I chuckled at how stupid he was, "You don't fucking love me and I'm not aborting our child" I spat, "You beat me, you manipulate me, and now you threaten to fucking kill me. You don't love me, you love the idea of me. You love being able to get your dick sucked whenever you want when you're sick of your hands. You love dinner being on the table when you get home from a hard day at work. You don't love me, you love the idea of someone being so terrified of you that they will do anything for you"

"No!" Nick snapped,

I shook my head, "You're a fucking psychopath!" I screamed, pushing him away from me, "I don't love you, you're crazy!"

I felt my body collide with the wall as Nick slammed me into it, "I do fucking love you and I'm not fucking crazy, you stupid bitch"

I laughed, "You're not capible of love" I spat through my teeth as he slammed his fist into my cheek bone, "You're a fucking psychopath" I muttered, cupping my hand over where he hit me, the blood running into my palm and down my arm as it already felt swollen.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Nick yelled, his voice stern and angry as he punched the wall, just millimetres away from where he had just hit my face. "You do love me!"

"You can't force me to love you" I murmured,

Nick narrowed his eyes, "I can't?" He asked deviously as he pulled me over to the bed,

My eyes widened in shock, "No, please don't!" I begged as he threw me onto the mattress and held me down at my hands,

"You're not going anywhere"

I froze for a moment as I realised that he wasn't going to try to force himself on me, instead he was tying me to the bed.

"What the fuck..." I questioned as he tied my wrists together with rope, then tied them to the pole on my side of the bed, "You've lost your fucking mind. What if I need to go to the bathroom?"

Nick tightened the ropes even more, rubbing them harshly against my skin as it began to give off a burning feeling, "Then you can ask and I will watch you go. You're not going anywhere until you admit that you love me"

But I don't love you.

"Okay" I murmured, twisting my body to its side and getting as comfortable as I could in the position that I was in.

"Fucking whore" Nick muttered, turning his back to me as he went to sleep.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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