|Chapter Seventeen|

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Soundtrack for The Way He Lies (I also posted the link on my message board if it doesn't work on here): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqF2wWrkS_S4sEk9R_ma2SNPkz3520LJg

Previously in The Way He Lies: With Demi now trying harder then ever to be the best she can be for Nick, she hopes that she doesn't start to love him again.

I cleaned myself up in the bathroom as Nick got changed. Sex was messy, especially with Nick.
I frowned in confusion when I pulled the towel out from between my legs only to see blood. Panic overwhelmed me as I tried to think of a reasonable explanation to get out of here and go to the hospital.

Throwing my clothes back onto my body, I grabbed my keys and handbag and headed towards the front door, "I just got my period, going to run down and get some tampons, unless you'd prefer to go down?"

Nick screwed up his face, "No thanks" He said as I ran out the door.


"I need to speak with Dr. Miranda Bailey" I spoke in a panic while waiting at the hospital reception desk, "I'm pregnant and I'm bleeding"

The receptionist just continued tapping away at her computer, "It's probably just the changes to your body, Dr. Bailey isn't in maternity"

I slammed my fist on the desk, "Well then fucking get me somebody who is!"

As much as I would love to just blame the pregnancy hormones for my embarrassing outburst, it was honestly just her pissing me the fuck off.

"Dr. Arizona Robins will see you soon" The woman told me sounding frustrated in her voice. I understand that people in hospitals work long shifts, but it's their job.

As I waited in the maternity ward, I looked over the room of babies with their name tags attached to their legs, squirming around getting use to the life in which they had just been introduced to.
I was going to have one of them. My own little baby. A human that was my responsability, that I had to take care of and protect no matter what.
Nick could never know about this child. A part of me felt horrible for keeping his child from him, but lord knows what he would do if he were to find out that I was pregnant, let alone do to the child. I can't put my child in danger.

"Demetria Jonas" A blonde woman called, my head snapped over to her direction as she walked towards me,

I placed my hand out to shake hers as she headed over to me, "Hi"

"I'm Dr. Robins" She told me with a smile on her face, "So, I've been told that you're just over two months pregnant and have some bleeding. I'll take you for an ultrasound to make sure the bubba is okay then we will try to find out what the bleeding is from"

I smiled, "Thank you"

"Is your husband at work?" The doctor asked as she examined my details on the little check board she held,

"No, he doesn't know I'm here" I told her, "I didn't want to worry him"

She raised her eyebrows slightly as we entered a private ultrasound room, "Right, well, I'll get you to pop this gown on and lay down on the bed while I grab the machine"

I pulled my t-shirt over my head before folding it and placing it on a chair. Pulling the gown made from rough fabric over my head, I slipped my jeans from my body and placed them where shirt was. I still had a pair of booty shorts on underneath to cover my underwear. I wasn't sure if I was meant to keep my jeans on or not, I mean, she didn't say to keep them on but it's not like she will be examining my thighs. My thighs which were bruised and had been bruised for weeks... Nick was rough, especially when I was resisting him.

"Alright, I'm going to lift your gown up a little bit and pour some gel on it, have you had an ultrasound before?"

I shook my head, "This is my first"

"That's always exciting" Dr. Robins smiled, "Well, the gel will be quite cold at first but once I move it around you should get use to it"

I lifted my gown just above my stomach as the doctors eyes widened, I think in shock. I looked to the side, avoiding her glaze as she looked at the bruises covering my body.

"Please get on with it, I want to make sure my baby is okay" I muttered, waiting for the cold gel to hit my lower stomach.

Dr. Robins stumbled with the tube of gel before quickly squeezing it onto my skin, she was right, it was pretty cold. "The first thing we need to look for is a steady heartbeat, after that we can look for anything else that could be a problem"

The temperature against my skin dropped even more when the metal tool hit it, moving the gel around my belly surface.

"There they are" She told me, pointing to the screen at a little white blob in the black and white photo of my uterus. As I was about to respond, a loud beating sound came through the machine, "And there's the heartbeat"

I couldn't help the tears that fell dow my cheeks as I looked at my child for the first time, hearing the heartbeat which symbolised it being alive

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I couldn't help the tears that fell dow my cheeks as I looked at my child for the first time, hearing the heartbeat which symbolised it being alive.

"According to the sonogram, you are 9 weeks and 2 days along in your pregnancy"

"At what point do you think I will start showing?" I asked,

"By the looks of it the fetus is sitting a bit further back than it usually would, and judging by your body weight I'm thinking in about 5-7 weeks you will have a bump that should be quite noticeable... it won't look like you've just gained a bit of weight by that point" Dr. Robins explained to me as I looked at the photo of my baby moving around in my womb. "Your baby looks fine, Mrs Jonas. This might be an awkward question but when was the last time you had sexual intercourse?"

I felt my face turn red, "Tonight"

"Was it consensual?"

I nodded, "It was"

"You probably just went a bit too hard at it and tore something, it should stop bleeding tonight and heal within the next few days" She told me as I got up from the bed and wiped the gel from my stomach, "Before you leave Demi, if that is your husbands doing I would advise that you get out of there as soon as possible"

I looked down at my body as I slipped on my jeans. I know, I know I need to get out of here.


"That took awhile" Nick commented as I entered the front door,

I searched my mind for an excuse as I felt my heart rate fasten, "It was hard to find a place that was open"

"Where are your tampons?" He interrogated me while coming closer towards me,

I searched through my handbag looking for the pink box, "Right here" I pulled out the box while handing it to him.

"Hm.." Nick trailed off while walking away.

Thank god I got away with that.

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