|Chapter Sixteen|

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Disclaimer: sex scenes in this chapter

Previously in The Way He Lies: Still dealing with the heartbreak of Wilmer leaving, Demi has become empty. For her child though, she decides that in order to be able to leave Nick, she needs to gain his trust.

"Baby, we should go on holiday" I told Nick, massaging his shoulders as he sat in the large office chair, "You've been so stressed lately, you deserve a break"

Nick let out a soft moan while nodding, "You've been so good lately, I think we both deserve it"

I rolled my eyes while he was feasted on his computer screen, "I just want to be the best wife for you that I can be" I lied, bringing my hands down his chest before pulling them back up,

Nick grabbed my left hand, "You're still cutting yourself?"

The blood left my face, "I'm sorry..." I trailed off. I hated anyone seeing what I did to myself, even though for the past month he had seen it probably even more than I had.

Nick tossed my hand from his grip and shrugged his shoulders, "After all these years, at least you feel guilty enough to punish yourself."

I don't feel guilty.

The problem is that I don't feel anything.

"Right" I agreed with a chirpy sound in my voice.

Sometimes I just wanted to give up on the facade, it was so time consuming and tiring. Sometimes I just wanted to leave and risk getting caught, but lord knows what would happen if he did catch me trying to leave.

"Maybe we should go stay at Disney World for a few nights?" Nick proposed, not taking his eyes away from the computer,

"I can't" I replied, maybe too quickly, "I... I get motion sickness!" I could lose the baby if I go on the rides.

Nick rolled his eyes, "Right" He scoffed, "Maybe we can have a romantic weekend at home full of love, and sex"

I nodded, "I'd like that" I said, planting a kiss on my husbands cheek.

The last thing I wanted to do was give him an opportunity to swoon me. Part of me wants to do something wrong so that he doesn't trick me into loving him again.
I mean, I did still love him somewhat. I loved the remnants of the person who he use to be. I'm not sure what ever happened to that person.

"Can you make sure the house is clean when I get home? You don't have a job anymore, you can at least do something" Nick asked me... I guess saying he asked me was putting it nicely. He ordered me.

I nodded, "Yeah... will do" I agreed, walking towards the door to exit his office, "I love you"

"Yeah, bye"

How nice.


By the time I leave Nick I'm already going to be four months pregnant if everything goes to plan. That gives me five months to find a place to live, get a job so I can support me and the baby, and buy all of the furniture, and other supplies. Not to mention I had to find a name for it.

I was terrified to be doing this on my own, but I would rather do it on my own than with Nick.

"Why isn't our bed made?" Nick asked, storming into the bathroom as my naked body stood under the steaming water,

Shit. "I had a nap, I completely forgot to make it before I got into the shower, I'm so sorry!" I apologised. Turning the shower off as he looked at me with anger in his eyes,

"You can't do absolutely anything right!" He snapped, pushing the shower door open and pulling my body out by my arm,

My body shook, partly because I was now freezing and partly because I was scared. "What are you doing?"

"Well the bed might as well be used now that it's messy"

"Nick, please don't, I don't want to..."

"You don't want to? Am I not good enough for you? Do I not make you feel good enough?" No, you never have and you never do. All you think about is yourself. "I'll make it better than anything that fucking immigrant gave to you"

Before I could say anything back, I felt something that Nick hadn't done to me in years. I arched my back in pleasure as his tongue sucked on exactly the right spots whilst his fingers worked inside of me.
Not even trying to hold it back, I let out a heavy moan as his tongue flicked against my clit and he added another finger inside of me.

"How does this feel, Demetria?" Demand seeping through his voice as I looked into his dark, lusturious eyes.
Without time to answer my husband, an overwhelming sensation came over the entire lower region of my body. "Don't cum!" He ordered, I bit my lip trying to surpress the climax which was begging to happen.
Removing his fingers from me, I felt his member enter me, my walls tightening around him, "Do it"

I let out a loud moan as I let the climax happen, I could feel everything become more lubricated by the second as Nick gripped onto my hips, slamming my body against him as he groaned in pleasure.
Everything was very sensitive, a very prominent part of me wanted to stop, but another part of me knew I had to keep going so that he could finish as well.

"You've gotten looser from whoring around" Nick complained as he released inside of me.

Or maybe your dick just got smaller.

"Oh" I muttered, wrapping the bed sheets around my exposed body as he left the room.

Nothing could ever just be nice with him.

QOTD: Will Demi's baby be a boy or girl? Suggest some names

Last update of 2016, see y'all next year

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